Seems like every guild is dead

I use guild recruitment to browse through the guilds and there is never anyone in the guild online. People told me /who doesn’t work but they’re just lying to themselves cause it works fine when I search for the guild of a person right in front of me. /Who does work, there’s just no one playing anymore. Sad.


I honestly don’t think anyone has really used that tool in about 4 expansions.

Use the forums unless this post was strictly to stir the pot then… Proceed.


Nah they use it. Their updated guild info talk about CN and even SoD.


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So just here to troll. Gotcha

What did I expect from a lvl 10


What? How am I trolling?

That guild finder thing isnt very useful. People dont check it often.

You are better off looking on the Forums or replying to a Trade Chat invite.


I guess since you use an alt to post you are an automatic troll according to his logic.

No one really uses alts on these forums. (Sarcasm)

I use guild finder to bring alts into my otherwise dead guild as there isn’t anyone to handle the invite. So, my advertisement clearly says this is not a recruiting ad, this is for me to invite an alt. What I find amazing is that I still get a few people applying. Do folks not read?

/who hasn’t worked reliably in years. it’s been broken for much longer than both BFA and SL.

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Whether they use it or not why is a guild with 800 members completely offline?

People are just not playing anymore. You’ll have your few high populated servers with boost and carry spam 24/7.

Game is looking worse than some of the F2P options out there. It’s already got the worse community in any MMO.

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We use it and have added a cple members from it. Cant attest to others but theres still ppl on it.

/Who works fine. Stop spreading around lies.

/Who works for me in every way I’ve used it. Must be your add-ons.

What guild? All guilds? Every server? Or just your server? How often do you require people to be online? Whenever you’re online?

Since your realm is Bleeding Hollow what if I show you this

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Giving them the answer why and they refuse the answer because “game is dead”.

Not sure why you’re white knighting so hard in a bait thread…

And yes. I’d say people use lvl 10s for trolling far, far more often than not.

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Then ignore them and move on? Why do you give it bites then complain about it being a troll. Lol.

Why are you so triggered? Lol

Edit. Nevrmind.
Your post history shows you just try and have back and forth with just about anyone.

Imagine not using third-party tools to find and assess guilds

Do you use Blizzard’s stock UI as well?

Thank you for proving my point. Over half of those are boost/carry runs. Reposted by the same guild.

Take care :gift_heart:

Yeah, it’s something to do with sharding. I don’t remember the last time it worked reliably.

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