Seeking to Join (or Create) a Guild with These Themes

Good evening friends.

I have returned for this expansion and intend to stay. Many changes have been made and are coming, so this feels like the perfect era to step back into the fold. I am looking for a guild that checks off a few criteria and if it is not met, then perhaps folks would be interested in joining me to become the foundation of a community that includes such things. What I am looking for has been listed below.

  • Frequently active members.
  • Open minded options that accept unique stories and characters and not an elitist atmosphere.
  • Holy Light leaning but it does not have to be the focus.
  • Human or “human leaning” is ideal.
  • A military sect within the ranks or purpose of the guild.
  • No crime and no mercenary work, only law abiding people. (a storyline with these themes is fine, though)
  • Some level of kingdom origin pride.

My character is a Stromic field medic that takes part in worship for The Holy Light. Although not a clergyman himself, he does attend sermons when possible and would absolutely hand a pamphlet if he carried them. Silliness aside, these features are some that I enjoy within a guild and I have not belonged to a community in a very, very long time. I’ve heard of drama within the community, which is nothing new, but I do not know what communities to avoid, if any. I enjoy the company of people who are also likeminded. When I say this, I mean that as long as someone’s character and or story fits within the game’s lore, I am perfectly fine role playing with them. No, I will not engage in role play with characters from other franchises outside of Azeroth, but I am more than comfortable role playing with someone that is a gnoll, an undead construct, a feral druid, a Scarlet Crusader or cultist, a lich or a pirate or vampire. If it’s in the game, I am more than okay with this. I think role play should be fun and I strive to create a comfortable atmosphere.

If I were to create or be a part of a new guild, here are some ideas I have.

  • A displaced group of citizens from Stromgarde territories or other kingdoms.
  • A band of soldiers that have come together to serve.
  • Scarlet Crusade defectors, like a successful version of the Scarlet Renegades.
  • Night Watch guards that protect Darkshire.
  • Vampire and witch hunters and abomination killers, much like Bloodborne hunters.

I have other characters that could use some work and attention, so this is just one. These are just things I enjoy in general and any one of them could be put into a guild that is fitting. Thank you for your time and any suggestions you may have. The in game guild finder does not let me know how active guilds so, so I thought that I would ask here. Thank you again.


I’m interested and would love to chat! Is in-game the best way to reach you or do you have other means of contact?

Hello there! Yes, you can reach me online, as I am online right now and usually online most of the day. If you or anyone else would like to reach out, feel free to send me a whisper or letter. I also have Discord but I’ll send that over a whisper or a letter as to not dump that here. I look forward to speaking with you!

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Thanks for the quick reply! I should be around tomorrow and will look for you then ^^

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Guild ideas.

Subtle names:
Hand of Light
Herald of Truth
Path of Dawn
Light of Dawn

Prominent names:
The Lightbringers (or) Torch Bearers
Aspect of Faith
Cardinals of the Holy Light (or) Cardinals of Light *
Procession of Salvation *
Wings of Eternal Faith
The Hand of Sol
Cathedral Knights *
Knights of the Flame *

Hope these name ideas or mix of words can be useful in selecting a guild name that resonates with your interests. The * are my personal opinion.

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Best of luck to you all! I plan on starting up my guild in a few weeks with a small group of dedicated priests and paladins who follow the Church of the Holy Light’s Three Virtues extremely well!

Feel free to interact with us, or if you see Kortine, stop and say hello! My biggest thing is (trying to be) positive! So hoping for some friendly, kind, and unique interactions!

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Cathedral. Always been a fan of the term. I’ve been pondering a lot about names.

I most certainly will! I would love to cross paths with company such as yourself. Sounds like a wonderful, pleasant time.

The Cathedral Knights is a reference i used from an old game called Grandia II. The Cathedral Knights enforce the Church’s Will punishing maleficarum, sinners, those who stray from the light. They hunt monsters and others as well.

But unlike the Scarlet crusade, they obey the command of the Pope and Priestesses, often as escorts or entourage. They will protect the priestesses with their lives. They cannot act without orders otherwise they just perform guard duty like gargoyles unmoving/unspeaking.

I suppose much like the Queen’s guard in Great Britian.