Hello there!
Seeking a guild that wants to clear the content. I have a lot of free time on my hands coming up and I will be 60 pretty quick.
I can make ANY class/spec your guild needs and I will excel at it. I have raided full MC/BWL/Naxx in Vanilla. I have zero experience in AQ40 but IMO, raiding is very easy to me. The challenge is getting 40 players to coordinate/follow instructions as well as getting 100% raid attendance. So really, we are the hardest part of WoW raiding in my opinion.
Message me here or in game if you are interested in having a serious player in your ranks. Will reroll ANY class/spec your guild needs or even play this druid. Up to you guys! Thank you and have a great day!
In-game names:
Isomer (Druid)
Pwnology (Paladin)