Seeking Casual RP Guild

Hello Emerald Dream,

I’m returning to WoW after a very long hiatus (i.e. Northrend was my last expansion). I’m starting fresh with a draenei hunter to level up again in the old regions that were impacted by Cataclysm and enjoying the new experiences. I’ve also decided to try Alliance, since I was decidedly Horde when I used to play.

I chose Emerald Dream because I remember it having a reputation as a great RP server. I see that may have dwindled but there appears to be renewed interest in rekindling the RP community. I am wondering if there are any draenei-specific guilds and/or RP-friendly guilds that have events earlier in the evening (6-8ish EST). I’m a casual player with 4-6 hours per week in game.

Look forward to seeing many of you in the Dream!



As a returning player myself, let me quickly welcome you back! I imagine that somebody will be around shortly to shed some light on the RP scene.

In the mean time I hope that your adventures through Azeroth are fun. Don’t hesitate to wave and say hello if you see me out in the wilds.

May Elune light the path before you.


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