Seeking Alliance (maybe Neutral?) RP guild~

Hello! I’ve been poking around and talking to a few GM’s but gonna try my luck here as well. I’m looking for a med-isk/heavy RP guild for my ‘Warband’. I’ve been RPing for decades, but been out of the game for a while and miss it dearly! My problem is time- I have a little toddler so my play time is very much restricted to naps and after bed for a few hours.

I’m hoping to find a crew that is okay with me being able to jump on IC for some good chats (Having guild chat be IC would be nice!) before I have to go, so when it comes to scheduled events or things that take a while, that’s difficult. I’d also be very down for forum or Discord RP as that is something I can jump into when we are at the playground, etc :smiley:

I’m stoked for the Warbands so going to be playing 4 different toons as we travel into the world with the next expansion. I’ve been horde most my WoW life and making the move to Alliance and so far loving Moon Guard <3

My bnet to chat is Lullabyte#1464 or Discord .lullabyte