Seeing way to many gold buyers in fresh



I’ve been browsing the forums all day instead of playing WoW because I only got like 4 hours of sleep last night. Eyr has been posting silly comments all over the place.

:expressionless:Thats all :expressionless:Eyr ever does, :expressionless:all :expressionless:day, every day. :expressionless:

I find it funny.
Once I figured out what he was doing.

He’s not trolling but he is being silly.
What happened to Glinda?

Eyr is a disease on the forum and I am the vaccine. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Rest in Peace, Glinda - WoW Classic / WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums :frowning:

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Haha no… playing both a warrior and a shaman at the same time basically no quest is out of the question… so im doing rested XP guide but doing every elite quest, even if its out of the way to make up the XP im missing by being in a group the entire time.

Have only done every dungeon a single time for the quests…

just questing man idk.

I mean its pretty reliable. I tend to add the bot character I report and then tag them with date and time. So far a lot of them I haven’t seen online since, botters usually run 24/7 so to not see them after several weeks/months… Suffice to say action has been taken lol

But whatever man. Enjoy retail :rofl: