Seeing tanks do 100 million in healing in a bg is everything wrong with this game

Embarrassing how little testing goes into this game.

Only 100 mil? Must have been a new player…


The other part is most of them have damage just above the healers.

In this instance the tank was the top damage on their team. #justdruidthings

I’ve seen Bloods do closer to 300 million in heals… If they get ahold of the AA in Ashran, lol forget about it… They turn into God-mode.

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must be hard to see from 50 yards out but you’re supposed to target the healer not the tank.

I play SV.


Who said anything about targeting the tank?

must have been a naked player, with 1 arm and dementia

ive seen backpedaling DK do 500 mil+

I assume he means in reg bgs because it gets way higher in epics. The amount of healing from BDK and guardian is out of control. Takes ages to remove one from a node and some teams simply can’t kill one at all. If you can CC them great but I see teams struggle to keep them cced long enough.

Sometimes you have to abandon the node to them and only focus on other nodes which is rather frustrating and perhaps not a viable option.

In recent memory I had a gilneas where a BDK could not be killed at WW after his team was wiped. They also had a guardian druid and managed to tap mines. So with minor team support those tanks didn’t lose mines or WW all game and we could only control LH as Horde lul. I also remember a deepwind with 1 BDK and 2 guardians. Thier team was wiped in mid but the immortal tanks just spum flag all game. The answer was clearly to spread out and abandon mid but again super annoying. All those tanks did 80M+ healing that game. Healers oom but tank healing is free realistate.


yeah but that’s uptime spamming AoE on melee. I seriously doubt that’s contributing meaningful pressure to kills.
But yeah, tanks (and by tanks I mean druids and blood DKs) are a cancer on BGs.


as if dps classes don’t get high heals too

nerf all healing
bring back first aid and danger in open world

I’m just getting back into this game after a long hiatus, and I’d say the most surprising part is the lack of -healing. I remember mortal strikes on someone I was healing used to be rather difficult to power through.

Look, I get it, I just returned, so take this as a returner newb opinion. But I’d love to see more options on the talent or pvp talent list for -healing. As it is I’m able to heal ridiculous amounts, which is fine if nobody stops me.

If they’re going to make changes(not saying they are, what-if scenario) then it shouldn’t be just some blanket change about healing, but adding ways to achieve -healing, at the loss of something else, but saying any more will lead to me complaining about the talent trees. I thought I’d love them but when I can get practically everything on the stupid tree, then it’s not really a choice, is it? But I’ll save that for another day/thread.

Yea, numerous times while in Ashran, a blood DK would kill the mini boss in our tower while 5+ players pounded on the DK.

Once or twice we knocked the DK off the tower, but seconds later he was back on top pounding away again until the mini boss died.

The DK didn’t even have the artifact.

Having said that, I do feel kind of bad for DKs. Their main dps specs are generally weak in battlegrounds because they lack defense. Maybe spread some of that blood DK defense into the other specs?


Shoulda ran Disarm :<