Seeds of Salvation quest no seeds

One of the new Hallowfall weekly quests from Auebry Irongear seems to be uncompletable because it wants me to pick up 8 seeds and plant them in the ground but I managed to find 7 sacks to get 7 seeds but then I haven’t gotten my last seed in over 15 minutes of farming Dark-Crazed Harvesters that are meant to drop them.

This quest definitely needs changes to not take 5x as long as the other quests in the area.


Yup… this is so painful

Yeah, this is brutal.

Harvesters are not dropping seeds (or rarely), I killed about 20 elites. I saw 2 sacks on the ground, in 45 minutes.

Gave up.

After further testing, I purchased the repair book, activated the bot, yet no seeds drop.

I suspect that my pets getting the kill (as a hunter) has something to do with this… another lesson not learned from previous quests that have the same issues.

Just tested this on my Feral druid, get 100% drop rate… so it is pets getting the killing blow causing the problem.

You might be thinking about Radiant Remnants, because this feral druid has a 0% drop rate on seeds.

This WQ was a great choice for my first one after finishing the campaign eh?


Same problem here. I’ve killed at least 40, of which about 15 dropped sacks. Out of those 15 only 6 had seeds in them.

Did you fix the harvester first?

Almost 100% drop on my druid.

0% drop on my hunter, at pet gets killing blow.

Hmm, this does not sound familiar. How does one repair the harvester? Take it to low health first?

50+ harvesters killed, 0 seed drops and there are no other bags of seeds on the ground to find.

This whole farm area is already such a pain in the a*s, and then these crappy quests make it even worse. Seems like this sort of thing would have been caught and fixed in beta.

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This quest is awful. Please improve.

Not sure if it was a coincidence as I only had 2 more to get, but I got a drop of the seed bag after killing the harvesters over the soil patch.
This quest was horrible. Never again.

Same issue still. And I absolutely agree with what you said. Not sure what the point of a beta is when clear as day issues like this make it through.

I killed a ridiculous amount of these golems on my BM hunter, but was stuck at 7/8 bags. Swapped to MM hunter without a pet and a bag immediately dropped.