See you next tuesday

Yes a huge thank you to all moms :slight_smile:


As much as I love my mum, I don’t tell her that nearly as often as I should. It’s just too awkward!

Family dynamics are weird…

Oh and I also agree with OP in fishing. It’s relaxing! I like it. Except I can’t do it for too long.

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I maxed myself out at 5XP per fishing run.

I cant hold on any longer than that.

I enjoy fishing some days. Even more now that I have the chair. I just wish it didn’t time out so quickly lol

See You Next Tuesday

Clever. :sunglasses:


So op, in this thread here:

You go off on this tirade on the phrase

Then further down the thread it just devolves into more weirdness, posting vids / pics of other players etc.

Then you make this thread, so I have to ask, are you that desperate for attention? Or is there some medication you forgot to take?


Fishing really upsets me for some reason.

Dunno what your talking about.

What does this have to do with fish or my mom?

Have a good one see you next tuesday.

Yes very holy indeed.

i am saying huge thank you…
Too most moms…

cruel ones are not to be thanked, however, chili fries are great so have some.

hands out chili fries

I skin those first and then lick them to test the toxicity.

Some can be very hot … see you skin them first to free the aroma.

don’t make this weird, i just hand out chili fries…


Yeah well i got something better then chili fries.
Pulls peanut cart into thread
Get your peanuts everyone! They’re free.

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Peanuts need popcorn.

Shrimp popcorn, see you skin those too first though.

so you just serve peanut butter?
that’s it?

You savage…

your suppose to coat the peanut butter on stuff! like toasted bread, or waffles or anything too make it taste good!

Heck even serve it with maple syrup or honey!

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Well, if an MVP can get away with it, why not us common folk?

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It’s not peanut butter. It’s peanuts. This thing right here. :peanuts:. See that? That’s a peanut, not a peanut butter!

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oh, in that case, what kind?
just 1 kind or is it mixed?

because if your only selling peanuts… than you have terrible taste in nuts.

My peanuts are amazing and I’m not telling you my secrets. But your chili fries suck! Who likes chili fries anyways? They taste horrible.

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So, you just sell Regular peanuts…


you are a monster and savage… Get yer tasteless nuts outta here!

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