See WoW just need frequent hotfixes

I gave feedback. You have an idea, which may - or may not be - good. Hone your skills in expressing your idea clearly to your audience.

No you didn’t. You just said something was wrong and acted in a condescending fashion.

My advice was at least directed help.

Regardless enough on this tangent back to the topic.


I already played all my alts, got their own Cosmic Fluxes to get what I needed for them… I don’t think about Cosmic Flux that often, but wow I sure do have a copious amount of currencies I absolutely do not need.

We need a currency exchange system. I’ll eat the tax if I can turn all my crap into ONE THING. Like the Euro, or chicken nuggets.

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My advice was very directed. Asking for basic communications skills is not condescending; it merely points out that what you thought was clearly stated, was not. ‘Regardless enough on this tangent back to the topic’ illustrates my point - a series of grunts does not a sentence make.

I mentioned this before on the PTR forums, Cosmic flux could be exchange for other items like Augment Runes, Motes, Bags/Crates of materials like those provided by the mission table.

A vendor similar to the blood vendor in Legion would be great. I don’t enjoy farming materials but I love crafting, and I don’t do the mission boards frequently enough to get a substantial amount of materials and such.

I also wish I could just… get rid of the growing list of currencies in the currency tab, convert them all to a currency I actually need. Right now I am farming motes of harmony to turn into Ironpaw Tokens. T_T

Edit: Pro tip for forum etiquette: Being a snobby know-it-all doesn’t serve you well on these forums! Get it together, people!


What helps me with the currencies is all the things addon. Once I get 90-100% completion I just mentally turn off my concern for that currency.

I highly doubt they’ll turn something like mote of darkness from DS into anything but gold, for example.

I will have to look into it. I admittedly try to avoid too many add-ons (I have like five bag organizing add-ons, which is probably why my bags are so disorganized) but I probably just need to get rid of the ones I’m not actually using.

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It’s mainly a collection based addon. However you can turn off all collection based aspects and just leave the source info for your tooltips. Invaluable info. Like people complain about blizz loading stuff into their bags but I’d wager if they had ATT, they could figure out what is needed. Also it helps you know what in your bags is removed from the game. Which for me (if the item is old) tells me to hold on to it and ditch other things. And mousing over currencies in the tab will show you all things you could use it on.

Does anyone know about an addon that could open the boxes/crates from mission table?
I used one called openable during WoD, however it doesn’t work anymore and I´ve not found one for shadowlands.

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Unsure, most of those I get cause I sparingly use the table. And just see a bag in the latter slots (thus prompting me to open).

Something that auto opens them?

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Basically, the one that I used before only added a big icon on your screen that you could click to open the item and if you’ve more items the icon remains on your UI.

Get ProspectBar Lives (think that is the name). It is for more than just opening things, but it does work for that.

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Where you wearing your Blizzard pompoms when you typed that out?

Yeah your advice was learn English .

You came off sounding like someone that has a problem with LA/Br servers being connected to NA servers. Oh and not because of the ping issues but for other reasons.

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