Does anyone know of a way (likely addon) to see other people’s (e.g. guildies) exact profession specialization ranks? I know I can see what recipes other people know through the Guild Roster, but if I am looking to have something crafted at a high quality, I would like to reach out to the people who are specialized in that thing.
Related to this, CraftSim has been amazing for deep dives into my own professions, and I would love to use it, or something like it, when I am sending out crafting orders to other people - so I can figure out if I can avoid buying all max rank mats.
Does anyone know if anything like these things exist?
To my knowledge, no add-on is going to go snoop in someone else’s book. You should try that feature available to guilds, guild chat they call it! Old school I know but still the gold standard.
Good way to lower the high rank costs is to not put in an embellish, it gives some leeway in the craft, not by a lot, but its there.
What are you crafting that you can significantly down rank materials? The margins for what you need to guarantee R3 are effectively zero, and the margins for the majority of R5 possible crafts are at most 35. That is not very much leeway for downranking materials unless you know the crafter is good with burning 200 Concentration if you guess or calculate wrong.
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These days it probably doesn’t matter as much, but earlier in the expansion the difference between r2 and r3 on some of the advanced metal bars, for example, was a difference in thousands of gold - and armor would require a lot of those. So I would rather pay a crafter 5-10k to burn a bunch of Concentration, than to put an extra 20k worth of mats.
Whether good or bad, the only way to know for sure is to have a discussion with your prospective crafter.
The math is pretty simple knowing that the R4 breakline is 80% of required craft skill and that R2 mats provide 20%, R3 40%, of base skill. In theory and practice if someone is fully specced into whatever, you could provide them with R2 materials and they could create a R5 craft. Or if they do not have the final wheel filled out, but the two preceeding ones are with maxed craft skill, you could still provide R2 mats today.
But without knowing someone’s exact point allocation you would have no way of knowing whether they could reach that R4/5 breakline without talking to them even if they say they are specced into a particular craft.
Edit: As an example, my JC deliberately specced into Profession equipment at the start of TWW. Before I capped both wheels I had to have a whole bunch of discussions with people about the exact combination of materials to reach R4, and sometimes how long they would have to wait on Conc recharge for the R5. The variables changed so quickly at the start of the expansion that the only meaningful guidance was ‘provide R3 materials and a decent tip and I’ll make it as good as I can on that day.’
Right, which is exactly why I was looking for a way to find this out myself. People are not always online when I am looking for a crafter, or they are on an alt. If I can see someone’s exact point allocation, I can optimize my crafting costs - maybe they are not fully maxed out, and I need to dip a little bit into R3 mats, but still don’t need to go full R3. I would rather do the math beforehand, on my own, instead of going “okay, what can you do this with 10/10 R2? No? Okay, what about 6/10 R2 and 4/10 R3?”
We just made a spreadsheet for our guild. Crafters indicated in the spreadsheet if they had max skill or not. Communication.
That said if you want that level of control why not just roll said crafter to make it yourself.
Honestly what you’re describing would annoy the heck out of me “how about 2 of these at R2? 3? 4? Let me make sure I use as much of your concentration as possible to save myself gold”. And you want to see all the details of my build too? Good gravy man. If you were in my guild I’d be like “goldfish is on fire got to go” anytime you wanted a craft.
Not to mention when he gets a crest or the next season’s spark and the crappy mats lingers in the craft. Another round playing yo-yo with your concentration tank. Someone’s at the door?
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