See! I told you guys about Torghast

i haven’t done a vision in in ages. only done a handful period. if the primary content for the entire next expansion is like visions do you think me or people like me will pay for two full years to have nothing to do? lol


You know, they were saying the same thing back in early-WoD when people first heard about the no-flying situation from Blizzard.

Might want to be careful when saying something like that.


They said the same kind of thing in early-WoD when people first heard about the no-flying situation.

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people in general discussion who did only 2 runs and then says “I can’t” sure

meanwhile the rest of the people in game as we speak are running visions fine

joe rando mythic raider assumes everyone is like him, or should be. it’s the worst part about their personalities. most people don’t even do lfr because it’s gotten too hard but yeah lets put timers on literally everything and see how that goes. sigh


They were in no way lenient in visions when it first started, I doubt they will be in Torghast either.

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yea, that was the general discussion people

I still had people online throughout that “no flying” stance during my time in WoD, before and after that announcement

Im with Lunalie, we have known forever there would at least be a soft timer (witch this is) leaving it to be a hard timer would have been silly.

The timer is still from all reports rather generous, so its not going to be a go go go like visions can be. Your not gonna see a mass unsub over it

i most definitely could. i just choose not to because it’s not fun.

They’re actually available to read. 1% dps loss every 120 seconds? So a 10% loss takes you 20 minutes. Seems fairly lenient to me

Is there going to be a currency restriction like the coalescing visions for horrific visions or is it something else that’s not as gated?

No, that was in-game as well.

The numbers don’t lie, and WoW had a huge drop off then.

I know, I was one of them.


Then thats on you

but don’t have a cow when the guy next to you has rank 15, his wrathion backpack, his “faceless one” title, when he did the challenge, should Blizzard decide to remove visions like they did with mage tower

Or at least the cosmetic stuff

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For DPS specs. Tank/Healer specs, not so lenient.

Plus, timers are not needed for a dungeon crawler. Just add a debuff to each level that prevents certain spells from being cast more than X number of times in the level. Problem solved.

And the great worm from beyond is a trial at finding ways to make you hate flying^H^H^H^H Blizzard

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i had the ilevel to do mage tower as well and enough 110s to get all of it. i didn’t bother with that either since it seemed stupid to me and the main classes i play had ugly ugly ugly mage tower appearances. did you see the prot pally one? vomits or the demo one? vomits more waste of time. i don’t care that people get rewards for things i choose not to do. it’s hilarious you think i care though. lmbo

Sorry but if based off of Boluderfist, yes youd expect that

but not on a populated server, there was still people doing WoD content at the time, before and after the announcement

The concern isn’t so much the timer itself. The big concern is that Blizzard will go on and try to tweak numbers sporadically. To “balance” things. And their method of balancing typically involves a sledgehammer.

THAT is a huge concern. Especially when you think about Alts / people coming back after a long break.

Visions last like 20-30 minutes. Each Torghast floor is like 5. The chances of something huge and important happening in those 5 minutes is approaching near 0 and even then your punishment for answering the door is a whopping 3% increased damage taken when you are basically a GOD in there.

  • On Floor #1, you will gain 1% damage taken every 60 seconds.
  • On Floor #2, you will gain 2% damage taken every 60 seconds.
  • On Floor #3, you will gain 3% damage taken every 60 seconds and so on…

So by floor 6 when you hit the boss you take 6% additional damage per second, every second. Maybe that’s OK as the boss should only take a few minutes, but on floor 5, 5% DPS increase per second. At 20 minutes that’s a 100% damage increase taken debuff. That’s not lenient in anyway.