See! I told you guys about Torghast

Do you do that while leveling? Is it better XP if you do that?

I guess we’ll have to wait and see how it pans out, but if it’s anything like M+ or HV’s I won’t be participating in it.


Citation required.

I’m going to bring my own Lazy Boy for that break room!

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I personally think people are exaggerating the timer. Real life stuff happens. And if you’re doing any content in the game you’re going to have to stop to deal with it. Telling Blizz that you won’t partake in it when that literally happens in all other aspects of the game just seems silly to me.


Hate to say it but if you absolutely NEED to be able to afk at any given moment then maybe playing regular ol’ single player games is more aligned to those restrictions. You can’t expect online games to allow you to pause whenever you need to step away, especially not aspects of the endgame that are used to unlock gear on the level of legendaries.

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I mean. Blizz said that it was. It’s not that huge a surprise

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you still have people going surpisedpikachu.jpg when stuff like timer in torghast gets announced


SOFT timers are fine, and aren’t like Visions at all that if you look sideways to your dog, you’re out. (at lower cloak levels).

My biggest concern is how hard or laborious would be to obtain keys.

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Ok Mr. Casual Mythic Raider,

And when you are in a PUG and you have to go to the bathroom, answer the door, change the baby’s diaper, and you’re grouped with “try hard’s” you think they are going to be ok with you stopping in the middle of a level?

Dungeon crawlers don’t need timers. Just add a debuff to each level that only allows certain spells to be used X amount of times on the level. Done.


And those people are none of my concern. So I’m not sure why they are for you

I both agree and disagree. I had been saying that 8.3 was the alpha for shadowlands. But unlike you, I see no reason that “people” will “start preparing themselves” for content they don’t like and don’t want to do by practicing anything. Casuals will “prepare themselves” for 2 years of fun playing other games.


Nah I’m fine with the way it is. Besides why would you need to pug something that’s pretty much soloable?

I see a few concerns with the soft timer. Not saying its a bad idea, but potential issues that may crop up.

They’re going to look at the average play time per floor once these soft timers kick in. They’ll adjust the debuff every so often based on average play time for the floors. You know that’s quite likely. This will backfire. Because if you decide to work on levelling one of your alts who isn’t as well geared, the debuff may end up being far harsher than blizzard intended.

And if they DONT tweak the debuffs, then players will hit a point where “meh, its a 14% debuff. big whoop.” Because for the debuff to hurt for geared characters, it’ll need to be probably doubled.

No matter what they do, the soft timer may create its own set of problems. I’m not saying its a bad idea, just that knowing Blizzard’s method of balancing … it may end up ruining the experience for many.

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because its the typical General Discussion person :wink:

“omg” they put a way in place that doesnt make the META be wait for cooldown on each and every single pull !!!

Big surprise there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: There’s millions of games out there , enough to fit everyone , wow may not cater to you , it’s that simple ! Just like being ranked(assigned a number) isnt for me thus i dont play content like rated pvp or play ranked Hearthstone .

You dont see me going around those games forums spewing that its the end of the world because the content is being made in a way i dislike , in this case : Torghast having a soft-timer mechanic …

Because, Clark has this weird thing of thinking there is only one way to play the game, and doesn’t like it when people say something unfun is unfun… apparently unless you have neck lvl 100 and all Mythic raid gear, you’re not allowed to say what -you- find enjoyable or not.

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if all of us rage unsub who is blizz getting money from to pay for his raids? because lol at 1% of the population being able to carry that weight. XD

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it means the people who are playing in game right now as we speak are still playing BfA with no problems

that 1% is the forums

Bud, I hate to inform you, but 99% of people are not going to unsub from this.
I’m willing to bet close to 99% of people dont care. Obviously it was going to be timed in some way.

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