Yes, I definitely agree that one sucks. I don’t think it should be in the game. How are the other 5 feeling?
You’re both right. I remember the no flying fiasco began just as WoD was beginning, at end of MoP as I wasn’t sure I was going to bother playing anymore.
Eret is correct as most didn’t quit over the no flying fiasco but rather, the lack of content and how they goofed the professions.
The no flying deal really hurt, though. That was a funny time, too.
All the high drama, was pretty funny looking back at it.
I’ve also wondered if they (the devs) were just joking/trolling us about the no flying and we took it serious.
I guess I’ll never know for sure.
You and quite literally everyone else actually playing 8.3 said this.
No, they’re going to develop solo tech like this and then junk it in 8 months.
Weren’t you making fun of people in the other thread who were 5 mask soloing at your ilvl and you just made a thread bragging about 2 masking. You need to take off your mask of delusion because I hate to break it to you but Torghast adopting visions principles isn’t a good thing.
because i’m starting to realize the doom and gloom about visions is all for nothing
you’ll say nothing when I completed a 5 mask soon enough though, I’d like to get it done now but im low on coalescing visions
You’re about to realize why the system sucks. The challenge is artificial because it’s designed around unlocks to make you feel like you’re progressing through other means. Once everything is complete you can 5 mask with 3 orbs easily. I hope they keep this out of Torghast.
if its so easy, why is it only 9% of people based from WoWhead only got the 5 mask achievement
Speaking of professions I’m hoping the “ranks” are gone
Maybe you can connect the two dots to see that it’s the system not being fun and based around a soft timer/keys that prevents people from doing it and not the difficulty. Torghast will meet the same fate if they go down this path.
If they can’t do a timer, then they shouldn’t do Torghast or Visions regardless
Some people hate timers, me included. I hate time based games. Back in the day I’d sit and read my Tips-N-Tricks magazine and if I saw the words “time attack” I’d skip right over that game like it didn’t exist lol. I hated CMs, M+, and I’ll hate Torghast by default, it’s nothing against Torghast specifically.
The game is not releasing until the last quarter of the year.
There is plenty of time to make meaningful changes to the systems before they are locked in.
Problem is that the devs are saying they don’t want feedback from casuals who are not playing in alpha, and only want feedback based on the current design as it is already implemented.
They’re not going to want to make changes away from any time pressures, they’ve baked it in already.
Hope I’m wrong, but, once bitten, twice shy.
To be fair everyone kinda already knew this. The devs have even said in interviews that visions were a good test base for their ideas involving torghast
It is more time and power gating added to the game in the name of content. Zero confidence it will be tuned for all healers and all tanks.
List the actual times alpha and beta problems with content and design were listened to by the devs. All I remember are times the beta forums were deleted because people kept referring to posts a year old that were still not fixed.