Securing The House quest bug

This is entirely separate from the issue we are facing, but thanks for the details. Our issue is that the main NPC for all the quests you just mentioned does not appear.

Some donā€™t appear until others are done. And some donā€™t even show up. Or donā€™t show up in the right category of quest givers.

I am having the same issue. Abandoned the quest and now I am stuck here. I did all the world quests too and no progress. I am currently renown 7 and Draka is still bugged so I canā€™t progress. I wonder when Blizzard will make this a priority.

I wish they fixed this. Itā€™s a pretty big issue seeing we are now stuck and canā€™t progress because the game is bugged why everyone else progresses on. Puts us at a disadvantage.

Having this same issue, I swapped from Kyrian to Necrolord and now Draka is in the wrong spot so I cannot complete Securing the House. I also dropped the quest and now cannot get it back. Submitted a ticket and was told to do the Callings which Iā€™ve done 3 now but none in Maldraxxus. Was then told to just complete a bunch of quests in the area to fix phasing, ok so I got Sojourner of Maldraxxus achieve and completed all quests I can find online and just doing laps of the map. Still broken and blizz is not helping, this sucks because you cannot proceed further in the storyline!

Just did all the callings and everything, Iā€™m at renown 7 and just ran into the same issue after abandoning ā€œSecuring the Houseā€. Swapped from Venthyr to this and really bummed. Hope they fix this tomorrow or today.

Having the same issue. Tried all of the GMā€™s suggestions and now Iā€™m in the abandoned and canā€™t re-take the quest club.

Did the 2 callings that were available to me. All of the world quests in Maldraxxusā€¦ Iā€™m Renown 7 and unable to take this quest to move past 1/9 in the campaign. This is ridiculous!

Yeah, I am at renown 7 as well, did all the world quests, and finished up all the other quests and I canā€™t get Draka in the right location. Also, I noticed that there are two of her guards on the map so even her guards are double spawning and bugged. I am really surprised blizzard is just ignoring all of us seeing how this is a big problem.

is there a way for me to send this thread to bug reports? I posted in hunter forums because i thought it would have a better chance of getting seen but this looks to be a pretty major issue.

edit: nvm think i figured out how to move the topic.

This was just fixed for me at the weekly reset this week, finally Draka was in the correct spot and I was able to move on with the storyline.