Secrets of the first ones is an awful quest line

I just want to preface this post with I am a returning player, I quit in MoP and decided to get back into the game about a month ago. I started by leveling a hunter to 60, and I play the marksman spec if it matters.

So after a few weeks I was finally able to finish this whole quest line and wow, it just got worse and worse as the chapters progressed! I am not sure where I can even post this feedback where a dev might see it, but man I just have to say it somewhere haha. It took me a LONG time to finish these quests, at first I just did it alongside my covenant campaign and the chains of dominance stuff, so I suppose it didn’t stand out to me as much…but it genuinely feels like these quests are just full of unnecessary pain points. Chapter 5 was by far the worst, making me log out of the game more than once. The quest where you have to collect cosmic stuff and it caps at 100, but you need almost 300 to finish the entire quest…why? It felt absolutely awful the first time I clicked the wrong portal, didn’t have enough cosmic juice, and had to go back to the very start to collect more. It took me having to google the quest to actually figure this out. There’s just no helpful info in the game it feels like…sure flavour text is nice and all, but why at the cost of actual relevant quest info? Then the next part where you go around killing elites…was the NPC supposed to help me or something? He stood around watching me get murdered repeatedly, to the point where I again googled the quest thinking I was doing something wrong. Nope! This works as intended. Which also brings up another point…I’ve never had to report so many bugs before. It feels like every single day I’ve found 2 or 3 bugs it’s insane. How are major bugs like getting disconnected when landing from a flying mount not being addressed?

This is also supposed to be blizzards most recent content…right? So why is it by far the worst content I’ve done in the game? Even just walking around without flying there’s so many cliffs and caves that are impossible to navigate through. Jumping puzzles? Really? I’ve never been so frustrated as I slid off the stupid tiny balls, just to have it absolutely trivialized by flying mounts. It was 100% easier for me to just grind out the quests and get flying, ignoring all the chests in the zone. How is that fun for a dev to even design, let alone play?

To me it just feels like the devs are not even playing the game anymore. Why are they all of a sudden adding these over the top complex quests, on top of all the over complex zones? Why not easy and simple questing, because that’s literally what questing is supposed to be! Easy! If I want challenging content I will kill some rares, I will do some dungeons or raids…making the “easiest” content of the game make returning players like me want to immediately refund the sub I paid. This game doesn’t even have the same general feeling as the game I played before, it’s amazing how much can change in 9 years I suppose, but holy crap it feels like the devs just want players to suffer. I’ve even replayed the MoP stuff in chromie time and it’s still as fun as I remember. Easy quests, treasures everywhere, rares that have mechanics but you can solo if you can do the mechanics…These new zones are just designed to punish players it feels like. I’m continuously reminded that marksmanship hunters don’t have a stun when so many of the ZM rares require one. I thought hunters were a good solo class, so why am I being punished? I couldn’t even imagine wanting to play a mage this expansion…

Don’t even get me started on the amount of time it takes to research things in the cypher of the first ones, because oh boy.

At this point if this is the most recent content they want to produce I’m terrified this is the type of questing that will be in dragonflight…

Edited to add:
Also! Why are there SO MANY BIRDS?! I hate ZM so much. Literally can’t even afk once you get flying because there’s birds literally everywhere that knock you off your mount and kill you.

Who thinks this is fun??