I have finish all quest in Drustvar and Tirigarde but I cant go on Stormsong valley and i neither have the Achievmeent for it, I report IG how ask me to ask you here and see I have done the quest but the GM dont know why can you please helping me 4 days I am stuck at fly for spot a forgotten quest thanks you all
I know there were several people with a similar issue when the patch came out. I don’t think I’ve seen any resolutions. My theory is that it might be the Kul Tiran allied race unlock quest interfering, as the patch removed the pre-reqs for that chain. But, I’ve never seen anyone who was able to confirm. So, if you haven’t already, I’d do the Kul Tiran allied race unlock chain from the Embassy and see if that fixes the issue. (And report the results back here to help future people.)