I am so confused by this event and I’m hoping I can get some feedback…Today is the 8th(??) day of the clues but am stuck at clue #5. I completed clue #4 and got the credit in the “Whodunnit” achievement but Tithris is not giving me any more quests/clues. Has anyone else run into this problem? Am I missing something??
If you got credit towards Whodunnit you probably already did the follow-up quest, but they seem to be what holds up most people. So, you probably already did this, but just in case, did you do the Day 4 follow-up quest?
If that’s not it, I’m afraid I have no clue.
Ok so i have the first 4 parts of the Whodunnit achievement (A Preservationist, Ceremonial Spear, Thinking Cap, and Inside Job) completed. I do not have ‘Torch of Pyrreth’ completed; that is the one I cannot get.
Hey all,
Just found a “Fourth Clue” in front of Zul’gurub entrance saying to go inside the dungeon. Does any1 knows where to find the next one? Tried to look over the forums but couldnt find anything
I’m having this exact same issue, did you ever find a solution?
just go to Jaguero Isle no need to do that part
need 3 players with the torch
That is for the mount not the bags or other secrets…everyone is mixing all these 3 events up posting things that are not what folks need or wrong info …
for the mount
I think I just found out what was wrong: After re-reading the Event Guide for Clue 5: The Torch of Pyrreth, and then checking each step, it says that Tithris would have given you a “Preservationist’s Dispatch.” I checked my bags and found it! So the issue was that I had to travel to the Waking Shores to look for the three levers! So, check your bags for that Preservationist’s Dispatch!