Did the requisite, dropped off the chalice at the gold stash. Sorry, spoilers. Then nothing happened in line for the breadcrumbs to initiate the spear acquisition. Abanonded. Reloaded. Now its totally gone.
Same here, I was in a raid group and it consumed the chalice, but didn`t increment progress.
I even tried mailing a new golden chalice from an alt, as well as dropping the quest, still can’t progress. I think being in a raid group completely broke the chain of events.
I completed the first day with one toon but subsequent toons have not received the spear after completing the initial quest with the chalice.
Same issue here. Can’t get the spear on my second character
Yes, this is frustrating. Got spear on main but didn’t get it on an alt. Even tried a 2nd alt, yeah, nothing. C’mon Blizz! Some of us like to do achievements on ALL/MOST of our toons!!
Someone in one of my Facebook groups suggested that each character doesn’t get the spear quest as it awards a title at the end so only your first character gets to do it.
I am bugged too after the spear quest. Completed it and cant get the next one. All my other chars are bugged after finishing the calice. Been reporting this bug for several days still cant do this event.
Other post here:
Yep I couldnt do the quests on my alt and I thought it was because it rewarded the title. My friend and I both did the stage 3 for the hat and I got it at the end and he didnt. It was not in his bags or in his toybox so we cannot continue. I put in a ticket and the Support-Tute sent me here. But they told me they understand my problem, can see he didnt get the hat and thanked me for being a long-standing player… so I got that going for me…
Exactly this.
Clicked the chalice inside the bank while in a raid group. The item got deleted from my bags and the “quest” didn’t complete. Now I have no way of getting a new chalice to finish the “quest”.
i did not get my hat so i can’t carry on
I am also having this problem as well. I am on “A proper Burial” there is no quest showing up anymore. Blizzard, we only have a couple days left to finish everything. Please help.