Secret Santa 2024

The forums seem more active than they did last year, which I think resulted in a whopping 4 of us participating.

Norman is ready for Winter’s Veil.

ETA 1.0: Ok, I guess I’ll take this on. I’ll create a specific alt on H and A to handle the gift giving, so I don’t get all confused with my chars. Will list those here when made.

If you want in, list your name in the thread.

ETA 2.0

  1. List your name in the thread NLT 12/14, this Saturday.
  2. Sunday, I’ll sort the names outside the thread and create (1) Horde Elf and (1) Alliance Elf to distribute the gifts and post their names here.
  3. Sunday evening, I will send to you who your gift recipient is.
  4. If you are on Horde, send the gift to (future Norman Horde Elf name here) with recipient name
  5. If you are on Alliance, send the gift to (future Norman Alliance Elf name here) with recipient name.

Request - to assist your Secret Santa, if you so choose, list the following in a post:

1 - Favorite Lore Character - why?
2 - Favorite zone - why?
3 - Favorite type of transmog (could be color, theme, style, etc) - why?
4 - Favorite mount - why?
5 - Favorite other hints, likes, dislikes, etc.

ETA 3.0
All emails have been sent out. Please ensure your gift(s) are sent back to Wintersmash NLT 12/22, to ensure they are sent to the recipient before Winter Veil Eve.

No minimum or maximum amount of copper was requested by participants, so it’s up to you folks how you want to handle this!


I’ll throw my hat in this year, mate. Just tell me who we’re sending the presents to, and who I’m Santa-ing for this time around, and I’ll jump right on it.


I have only recently started hanging out on the forums, so I never knew of this. But I’ll also join if this is a thing! (Yes, I did searches for the previous Secret Santas to get an idea of what was expected since I was new to this idea lol.)


I’m in. That puts us all the way to last year’s already!


If you’re taking this on, Norm, then count me in!

1 - Favorite Lore Character - why?
This is really tough. I’ve always enjoyed paladins, so Uther perhaps. I appreciate his grim determination in the face of tragedy and despair, the firm grip he has on his principles despite the world going to pieces around him. No comment on his shadowlands involvement, but WC3 Uther was cool. I guess the same could be said about Tirion Fordring. May they both rest in peace.

2 - Favorite zone - why?
Twilight Highlands, easily. The Horde invasion quest was and always will be one of the greatest quests of all time. You’d get ambushed by dwarves while doing your daily quests. The beach between Highbank and Dragonmaw Port was a death pit. The natural elements of the zone were just nice to look at too. I still like going there and flying through every now and again.

3 - Favorite type of transmog (could be color, theme, style, etc) - why?
I do like cool gun models, but I’ve got a lot of them already.

4 - Favorite mount - why?
I unlocked the GMOD and I can never not use it. It is appropriately rare and disgustingly gaudy.

5 - Favorite other hints, likes, dislikes, etc.
I’m not big on battle pets. Consumables of good quality are always appreciated. I’m not difficult to please, though. Thoughtfulness goes a long way with me.


Secret Santa! Woohoo!
I’ve participated in this almost every year since it’s started, (Sadly had to skip last year due to IRL reasons) so I’m happy to see this tradition continue!
Count me it!


OP Updated

If I had to limit it to just one, it would have to beeeeeeeee … Wrathion. I am a sucker for characters who try so desperately to do the right thing and fail, and learn from those failures.

Durotar. It reminds me of where I grew up, in the north-west of Australia. It is very nostalgic to me.

Battered leather and furs with some metal plates and spikes thrown on for extra protection over the vitals. I don’t know why, it has always been my go-to. Failing that, heavy banded armor or brigandine.

Riding wolf, because puppy.

Likes - Heavy metal, rom-coms, low-to-medium fantasy.

Dislikes - Mumble rap, absurd power gains, absurdly ‘high’ fantasy.

Hope this helps, Norman.


Favorite Lore Character - why?

Limit to one? What? Uhhhh. I think I would probably have to say Alexstrasza, though it is honestly more because of the portrayal of her in books and less the in game stuff.

Favorite zone - why?

This is honestly based on whatever expansion I am playing at the time. LOL. In TBC, I was a sucker for Zangarmarsh. In WotLK, Sholazar Basin. I guess in TWW, I would have to lean towards Hallowfell, but that is simply because I’m loving learning about the Arathi and not necessarily the zone itself.

Favorite type of transmog (could be color, theme, style, etc) - why?

Oof. Uh, well… I kind of suck at collecting transmogs, so I’m way behind everyone else in figuring these things out. I guess we’ll go with blues or purples, though since I’m beginning to RP more with elves, I would be leaning into things that work for the various races of elves at the moment.

Favorite mount - why?

Any and all of the cloud serpents, drakes, etc. Because I am a sucker for any kind of dragon. It’s my favorite animal in all it’s wonderful forms.

Favorite other hints, likes, dislikes, etc.

Likes - well done fantasy settings, be it low or high; colors: blue, purple, black, and silver; learning (yes, I mean that, I love to be constantly learning)

Dislikes - comedy, PVP, pay-to-win, people who metagame

ETA: I’m new to this this year, so I don’t have an answer for the rest of the stuff. Whatever you veterans think is best!


1 - Favorite Lore Character - why?

•This shows my age, but back when I first started playing all the way back in vanilla, it was Fandral Staghelm. He was a glimpse into the more hardline Kaldorei stance from Warcraft 3 where they kind of disliked everyone. I had a Night Elf Druid that I would RP as one of these kinds of isolationists and Fandral was his role model in terms of how Kaldorei should see the outside world. I’m still mad about what they did to him in Cataclysm.
Nowadays I just kind of go with the flow, but I’ve actually been really liking Xal’atath as a villain.

2 - Favorite zone - why?

•Tough one. I would have to say Ashenvale. The memories of playing my Night Elf and walking into Ashenvale from Darkshore and having the original music start, as well as the purple hue everything has is just pure comfy nostalgia for me. I still listen to Ashenvale’s background music every now and then.

3 - Favorite type of transmog (could be color, theme, style, etc) - why?

•Don’t really have a favorite per se, but since Dragonflight I’ve been maining this Evoker and I’ve been really loving the Evoker/dragon aesthetic.

4 - Favorite mount - why?

•Nether drakes. I just love the look of them, plain and simple. Also doing the rep grind back in Burning Crusade was a fun time killer and RP experience for me, so add a bit of nostalgia in there as well.

5 - Favorite other hints, likes, dislikes, etc.

•I’m a longtime player of WoW and the RTSes before that, so everything is a like to me! Azeroth is my home away from home, and while I can complain about somethings, it’s always been a fun place to be and a game I’ve (almost) always enjoyed playing.

In terms of things outside the game, I enjoy fantasy (both high fantasy and low fantasy), Sci-Fi, real world history, power metal and 80’s synth-wave.
Dislikes would be…honestly, not too much. Nothing bothers me too much anymore, hahaha!

Edit: grammar and additional info added.


1 - Favorite Lore Character - why?
It’s a toss up between Bolvar Fordragon and Marshal Windsor - a leftover from my Vanilla days of doing the Onyxia reveal quest, and Wrathion because his attitude cracks me up.

2 - Favorite zone - why?
Duskwood. But Drustvar is a close second. I like the scary feel to both zones.

3 - Favorite type of transmog (could be color, theme, style, etc) - why?
Usually things in red. I prefer swords as weapons. I don’t really like oversized shoulders.

4 - Favorite mount - why?
Vicious Skeletal Warhorse - At the time it released, it was the best looking mount in the game for someone who wanted to RP in Brill or with Forsaken. I still use it.

5 - Favorite other hints, likes, dislikes, etc.
Idk, toys are cool. Pets are cool. I hate hunter shoulders with eyeballs.


Guess it’s slow again this year. Lazy bums on this server.

Gentarn - H
Kirsy - H
Topsail - H
Esdai - H
Sef - H
Nazendrozal - A
Yours Truly - A

My Horde Santa this year is Wintersmash (lvl 1 Orc Warrior).

I will be sending you all an email with the names of your gift recipient tomorrow, from that character.

Since only two of us are on Team Blue, it’s just easier to declare myself Secret Santa for Nazendrozal and vice versa. Nazendrozal - you can send something or not. It’s all good either way. I have pretty much everything I would want in-game. I enjoy the giving part of this.

So, thread is now closed - no more names.

Once I send you your recipient’s name - please send your gift to Wintersmash NLT 12/22 for that person. I would like to get all gifts out to you guys that day.

GENTARN - I am sending you an in-game mail right now with something else. Let me know if you get it? (sent)


Hey mate, thank you, got the email, going to test this out now.

Seriously, if my head gets any bigger, I am going to be able to float over to America to hand in this resume.

It isn’t letting me claim it, but I may be terminally stupid at this point in time. I just woke up and the coffee has not properly hit yet.

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Make sure before the 6WRD is a J, not an I.

I’m not sure it views correctly in the wow mail font.


Yeah, I am getting “We can’t process this code at this time. Please try again later.” whenever I try to enter it. I’ll try again in a little bit in case it is a regional issue.

Again, thank you, Norman.

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Ah man. Well let me know if it doesn’t work. I’ll grab another.

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I’m in :slight_smile:

/ten char

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Horry sheet, it went through.

Oh my God, mate, I am gonna be riding in style, thank you!


So, just a thanks from me to you for all your input on these forums.

Your ideas and input are an absolute inspiration and I wish Blizz had half the ideas you do, when it comes to what this universe’s story should look like. If you aren’t in the gaming industry IRL, you should be. Every time you post, I can only think…that’s the Warcraft I want to play.

Anyway, enough of my words. Just a thank you, Gentarn.

I wish the best to you and yours!

Glad the code worked. I can’t stand the thought of drinking Mtn Dew.


Hey Norman!
Not a problem!
I’m still happy this event is going on, even if the turnout is smaller than usual. Thank you so much for your time and effort to put this together.

I’m in the same boat as you that I enjoy giving and putting together gifts way more than receiving them. I’ll come up with something awesome for you. :dracthyr_nod:

If we’re both still bumping around next year, definitely let me know and I’ll lend a hand to help make this a bigger event. It’s this kind of kindness and effort by the community that makes me love Wyrmrest so much, even if the activity has petered off a bit in the last few years.