Has any warlock been able to solo the last two bosses of plague fall on heroic or mythic , and get their mount? Just wondering if any warlock has achieved this yet or do I need to do this on a tank…
Do what now?
Rumors of Demo lock being able to cheese it with podtender, not sure how accurate it is though.
What is podtender?
Might have got the name wrong, but it’s the Night fae pod that keeps you from dying, saw somebody as demo do it by basically doing as much as they could, then “dying” going into the pod, while the pets they had finished off the boss.
Again unsure how viable that really is though
First trait if nightfae second soulbind.
Just finished this. Strategy I used:
Definitely a lot harder, and more up to RNG. I ran Demo and used a Voidwalker. Blueberry takes 40% less physical damage, and my Felguard (even with the conduit) was constantly dying.
Ignore stuff related to Felguard because you don’t use him, otherwise pretty standard. Dreamweaver is really good because if you die and go into the pod you drop aggro on the Ambushers. Legendary doesn’t really matter. The Drain Life healing conduit is also particularly good, as you’ll be using Drain Life a fair amount, as is the Demon Skin talent for a huge amount of passive shielding.
Assassins have something like a 100 yard range and only attack players (Blueberry is safe!), so your goal is to be as far away as possible from them. They spawn in random locations on her platform, so some of this is just getting lucky with spawns and hoping they’re closer to the 4th boss than to where you’re standing.
Place a Demonic Circle on the red X, use pet move command to put blueberry on the blue
X (take a pull or two to find the max distance you can drag Domina out before she resets, this is where Domina will be tanked), and put a gateway along the green arrow. Pet should be passive, and make sure all of Blueberry’s abilities are turned on. His threat generation is automatically turned off when he’s summoned into a heroic instance, so you might have to manually turn it on.
Pull Domina with Curse of Weakness, take the Gateway, run a little up the hill, and Teleport to your circle on the red X. When Domina is about 20 yard from Blueberry, tell him to attack. Once he’s grabbed aggro, put him back on passive. This will trigger him running back to where his move command was to. Once he’s there, tell him to attack Domina. You shouldn’t have threat issues for the entire fight.
Try and get as close to a real opener as possible. Drums, potion, GFG>Vilefiend>Dogs>Tyrant, and so on. Your goal is to kill her before the third set of Assassins spawn, so dps is reasonably important.
Alternate between healing and doing damage. Remember, if Blueberry dies the boss will run to you and almost instantly reset, so you can’t rely on Fel Domming a new one out. That said, because you’re killing her so close to her reset point, you can just reset her if something goes wrong. It’s impossible to be completely out of range of all possible assassin spots, so if you get unlucky with assassin spawns on the first wave, feel free to just reset her. On the pull I killed her I actually didn’t have drums, wildseed, or a potion up. I just got lucky with the first two assassin waves and it didn’t matter.
Super easy, 0 rng. Just go Destro with Blueberry. When adds spawn just havoc them and keep dpsing the boss. Don’t bother running into the soak circle they put down. With Demon Skin you literally outheal toxic rain, so the only way to die is to get hit by tentacles or somehow get overwhelmed by adds.
If you’re worried about your dps here, spread out your cooldowns between the phases: e.g. use Infernal during P1, potion during p2, and drums during p3.
Did exactly this thanks.
Only warlocks who are night fae and use pod have been able to do it.
Literally, literally nobody else
I’m pretty sure a few people in the lock discord said they did it as Necrolord. The strat I used didn’t rely on being Night Fae (I didn’t proc Wildseed on my kill of Domina), though it would certainly help out in case you get unlucky with Assassins.
Yeah just saw, using the up the hill method and at 220+
player: huehue literally only x locks can do it
other player: y locks did it too
player: too difficult doesnt count
ya, whining is certainly not the up hill method but maybe if you git gud you can do it too
I play this game because it makes me happy, thus I am a Venthyr lock specifically.
I am a casual, because I have real life stuff that takes most of my time, so I am ilvl 207.
I do not believe this to be within my range at the present moment, and will likely only be able to do this at the end of the xpac when power creep amplifies how easy stuff is.
It is an objective reality that Night Fae have an easier time of doing it, and part of this is a DPS/gear check; the hill method requires a heavier DPS check than if you have the fae pod.
I’m okay with this, again, I play for fun. I wish it had been more like Mage Tower, where each encounter was tuned around each class being able to do it, but meh. That’s life.
You’re rude though, and should work on learning to have a normal adult conversation.
I guess the silver lining is that you, as opposed to every other lock poster here, are aware that your failings are the product of your own shortcomings
dont see what you’re complaining about tho, soloing this will be trivial later on in the expansion so the only ‘bad’ thing is that you’ll have to wait a little longer than for ex tank players, its not the end of the world
also nice deflection, you were outraged about something that was patently false so you should change your tune a bit instead of whining that people call you out for it
No I still think it’s unfair a “secret challenge” is ultimately a Night Fae Covenant or Gear Check. Prefer things like Mage Tower, or Green Fire Questline Kanrethad fight.
mage tower was fun but lets not pretend that getting the destro challenge wasnt infinitely easier than affliction’s (I remember what a huge difference the slow leggo made)
Which is my point, the challenge was at late midpoint of the xpac and balanced around the toolkit of each class.
If you think the mage tower wasn’t a gear check when it first came out you’re delusional.
To be fair, both the destro and demo ones were possible in only catch-up gear at the time. The aff one you could just do playing perfectly with mythic NH gear or if you had the slow ring. It was for sure a gear check for a lot of specs when it launched though.
Yeah Destro and Demo were just mechanical skill checks. Sure, they were way easier if you could kill the boss in a timely manner, but there was no reason you couldn’t keep going forever so long aa you kept up the interrupts and such. In fact, as I recall, just waiting out the mechanics was a viable strategy for Demo (and every other spec that shared that encounter) because at some point the boss just ran out of mana or something and stopped doing the actual deadly mechanics, so as long as you focused 100% on doing mechanics and living up to that point you pretty much won.
Aff, though? If you didn’t have the gear you were almost certainly going to die. You can’t kite that elf forever so you had to either kill him asap, or kill the brother asap. That means that there’s a bare minimum gear check needed in correlation to your ability to play Aff in order to kill one or the other before the elf murders you. That is, of course… unless you had Sacrolash. That one legendary made the entire encounter a joke. I should know, I did the fight on 3 warlocks. Two without Sacrolash, one with. Take a guess which one was the easiest for someone who can’t play Aff like me.
I mean, there was also the trick you could use to get your pet to tank for you, but, uhh… I only got that to work once, I think it was fixed by the time I did Warlock #2