SECRET LEVEL - Out of Nowhere!

So this caught me totally off guard!

It’s an animated anthology series from the same people that make Netflix’s Love Death and Robots (another great anthology series, btw) and you can immediately see the similarities. I hadn’t heard a thing about this show until I saw it pop up on Prime last night. My wife and I ended up binging all 8 episodes in one sitting, granted they are all like 20 minutes or less, but my god… we were glued to the screen for all but 1 of the 8! Games we never even heard of still sucked us in with the amazing story and visuals which were all excellent. The one low episode was still top notch, but lacked some of the depth of character that the others managed to create. I HIGHLY recommend this series to anyone who is interested. I will be eagerly awaiting the next round of episodes to be released next week!


“And yet… Aelstrom lives.” :rofl:


“Conquest awaits!”

Some of these games I haven’t played. Some of them I never even heard of. Some of them I want nothing to do with, but I am going to watch every -single- episode, they are just that good.

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Yes. It’s good. My favorite is Episode 8, the Armored Core story featuring Keanu Reeves. I wish it was full series or movie.


Definitely one of the best!

I just started watching this today. It’s so good. Just finished episode 4 so far. Just watching what I have so far gave me more courage to start opening my comfortability to tanking and I think for the first time ever I will try tanking when season 2 hits :shield:

I’m hoping to see some new guilds arise in relations :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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I really enjoyed the DnD, Warhammer 40k, Armored Core, and the Mega Man one. It’s a shame they are all so short. I would love to see something like the DnD turned into a full length movie.


Am I the only one who hates this concept? It may be freaking perfect, amazing, masterful. But they’re all so short, and there’ll never be more. They’re half a story and not connected. Sure its a big ol’ heartfelt to games that probably half the cast know nothing about but… Do you really think, even if it did end up happening, a True Fan would be happy with 20 minutes of Doomguy and Masterchief? For twenty minutes?
The people satisfied with that, must be the same people who thought the Halo Series was good, the Uncharted Movie was good, the Warcraft movie was good. Or they’re insanely humble.
twenty minutes, thirty minutes, fourty, fifty maybe! I don’t know the lengths but is that really all the passion people have for a game? Just that little amount of time? All those tears that guy cried are worth only like half an hour for a handful of games. And look what they did to PACMAN!? HOW IS THAT PACMAN!?
And people eat it up! I don’t get it! These aren’t proper odes to great games at all! 20 minutes, some nice graphics, we get that in the game! Thanks for giving us your fanfics you couldn’t even FINISH PROPERLY!
Sorrry, don’t know what got into me, been a weird few days.

Have a Snickers there, champ.

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Thank you, I get weird at night

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All good. You’r opinion is valid. I have a love/hate with the short format of Secret Level and Love, Death, and Robots. I think it’s both a strength and weakness. Some stories are better than others. The better ones you want to see more of and the not so good ones you can just skip over without feeling like you’ve wasted 45 minutes to an hour of your life.

The short format also means you have to get right into the meat of the story without filler. Every second counts so it has to hook you right off the bat. The down side of that is that there’s not always alot of time to develop the storyline.

One of the weaker episodes is the Crossfire story. You’re more or less dropped right into a conflict of two mercenary teams fighting over a macguffin without really any development of who’s who, what they are fighting for, and why they want it. Its just go-go-go and not much else. The action and visuals were great but I felt the lack of any real development hurt the episode overall. It also didn’t help that I wasn’t familiar with the Crossfire series so it may have had something to do with it.

Anyway. Being a fan of LDR, I knew what this was going to be when I went in. If someone is not familiar with Tim Miller than I could see the format taking them off guard.

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Oi! None of that nonsense if you want to be taken seriously. Like Star Wars: Visions or Tales of the Jedi/Empire, they’re more samples to see if they’re demand for more.

Wasn’t in all the Halo: Legends episodes but many of those episodes are great without him.
Doomguy is off chilling with Isabelle from Animal Crossing after the events of his game.

Not a clue. It’s certainly a take on it, at least it’s better than all of the horror slop we’re getting with Public Domain characters.

What? Did you not see the D&D or Warhammer shorts? Those are amazing! And D&D got a great movie, Honor Among Thieves, not too long ago. Not every IP can be blessed with a full season show like Cyberpunk 2077.

Shout it from the rooftops and in all the chats! That episode was an absolute waste. Pathetically generic military wankfest. Especially seeing what they did with Concord of all IP’s.