Season of Misery?

Oh yeah. Duh. Forgot about Tauren Pallies.

No need to deprive players from that. Upon turning PvP you’re back to the usual behaviour, can no longer group with the opposite faction and get kicked out of groups with the opposite faction.

Retail isn’t canon so no there aren’t.

Tauren paladins. That’s the answer.

Edit add:

But lets be real here, Tauren Paladins would be OP.

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I played Alliance for WoW Classic. After having fully leveled, and cleared all raid content, I made a horde for fun. It was at that time I realized, Horde have better racials, easier travel, easier early game, faster access to dungeons, closer access to dungeons from fly points, more world buffs and a few other things. I was confused. After seeing how overwhelmingly powerful and easier Horde was, I had to ask the general public, why the hell would anyone play alliance. The general public gave only ONE answer… Salv. If you give paladins to horde in WoW classic then there is literally zero reason to play alliance at all.


i can relate with humans so i like playing them.

Yeah! And then we could add a level boost To 58! And mounts at level 10! And flying! And a cash shop! And group finder! And LFR! And hey, why not just add the continents of Outland, Northrend and Pandaria? People like those! And achievements, why not? Hey, ilvl never bothered anyone, let’s add that too! And modern graphics, heirlooms, sharding…


In case it isn’t plainly obvious, advocating for whatever Retail feature that you just happen to like in particular results in ALL of this being put on the table, too. Someone else holds as strong of feelings about any of the above systems as your feelings about both factions having access to both classes, and you do not matter more than them, they do not matter more than you.

The only changes blizz should make should be PURELY for the sake of breaking in game metas that were not exploited in the original game in 2004, but were in 2019 because of the nature of gaming culture today… Not giving people their favorite change from retail like it’s a happy meal toy.

I want to play a seasonal version of Vanilla WoW, adjusted only slightly for a modern audience so that I’m not forced into dumb metas that are essentially just an oversight of a 2004 developer. What i do NOT want to play is a frankenstein, half classic, half retail abomination that amounts to a collage of systems from the loudest, whiniest forum users. THAT game dies in a month. Seasonal classic purged of exploitative, unforseen metas is a game that will last as long as people play games.


yes, thank you

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Prettier races. That’s way the general public plays Alliance.

I know the High Elves were meant to be in Classic, but got slammed into the expansion along with kara and other aspects of TBC.

Honestly, just have the goats and twitch thots in SOM. It’s not absurd, falls more inline with what Classic+ could be, the code is very much already there, etc.

I doubt that year 1 SOM would have this, but is SOM becomes a repeating yearly thing, and gets changed every year, could be a real thing in year 2 or 3. It’ll fix the paladin/shaman problem, gives me my lovely blood elves in Classic, and add new dynamics to raiding and pvp.

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What a weird hill to die on. Sorry you’re still running a Nvidia GeForce 256 from 1999.

But seriously, while I would agree with you on this:

In any normal situation when talking about recreations of the original game, we are now talking about SOM. Classic exists, and while it has changes, it’s still pretty faithful to the original. SOM is alongside Classic, and as long as Classic exists, then let’s see what can really happen when we do change Classic via SOM.

Get mounts at level 1. Talk to an NPC in your starting zone and input the level you want to start at. Get LFD in there. Make STV, the entire zone, into an arena zone.

Yet here you are, advocating for systems in the loudest, whiniest way on the forums.

lol yeah I’m going to agree with Arielba, this type of change is a bit much. Seeing paladins on the Horde side and shamans on the Alliance side would feel so weird to me in classic (obviously just my opinion). I would feel like I’m playing TBC but not able to go to the Outlands, and get dizzy from seeing a none BE and DR race playing a paladin and shaman and think “I am in retail??” which I haven’t played since Legion.

I do like the QoL improvements they’ve mentioned so far and am indifferent about the changes on the raid side as I didn’t get a chance to experience raiding back in the day or 2019 and want to try it this time around on a fresh server since the forever servers look pretty dead since I logged in yesterday and today. I’ve heard arguments for and against those changes and since I never had to deal with WBs/raid fights I wouldn’t know what to feel. I just hope it’ll be a fun experience for the majority.

I am really curious to see what happens once all the content is released for this upcoming SoM. If Blizzard decides to do a more “Classic+” option in the future, I can totally see paladins and shamans being available on both sides, but for this upcoming fresh experience, I’m not sure it’s fair to those who just want to have an opportunity to play a fresh classic that has #somechanges (like discouraging mage boosts) but I think this suggestion crosses the line in my opinion and would fall under a “Classic+” option like making hybrid classes more playable.

But I’m sure Blizzard will do whatever the majority wants since they are a business.

i just wanna know what they mean by “Restoring mechanics that were removed early on to some Raid bosses”

It means mechanics or boss alterations that happened prior to 1.12.0-1.12.3.

Praytell, what systems would those be? I hope you’re not referring to the systems I referred to at the top of my post satirically…

Regardless, I’m actually not opposed to what you’re saying regarding just cracking the whole thing open and trying different things, or entirely new things in the Classic setting… On a select few Classic Era realms.

Why would we implement changes on SoM like this? Its seasonal, and if the changes are widely disliked, it could ruin that season for people invested in it. And how would we go about it? Let Blizzard just slap-chop a bunch of ideas at once and put them in willie nillie?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to do what you’re suggesting on a permanent Classic server, then implement a voting system for max level characters to make changes that the community feels positively about?

You could say just add voting in a similar way in SOM, but again, the Seasonal aspect kinda tanks it for me. If people voted in something that ended up being disliked, the time it would take to suss that out, for enough people to form an opinion, recast a vote, then have Blizzard implement that change won’t happen fast enough on a 12 month cadence, in my opinion. It just makes more sense to do that on a server without a timeline to me, and it would potentially breathe some life into Era servers that is desperately needed.

Paladins are a joke in Vanilla anyway, with the only halfway viable spec being Holy - and that resulting in 95% of the paladin population (along with Druids & Shamans) running around in Priest cloth healing robes & such due to another great design problem (gear itemization). Vanilla WoW (should be called Beta WoW) is so riddled with various class/spec/game design problems that’s it’s laughable.

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You’re advocating for the systems already in place.

Whether I agree with the systems or not is moot, my point is that by saying “new system bad” you’re indirectly advocating that “old system is good”.

So my point still stands. Here you are, whining about systems.

Ok, it’s seasonal, what if there is a change that’s widely accepted and loved, it could drastically improve that season for people invested in it.

If we’re going to argue what ifs, then this entire conversation is moot, especially since anything you or I say can and will be reversed for the other’s narrative.

Bottom line, since it is seasonal, then changes good or bad are irrelevant. Take the information gained from whatever change is implemented and build upon it. If there is a system put in that’s in the end bad, but objectively is based on a good idea, then rework the system. Who says good systems couldn’t become permanent systems in future iterations of SOM?

So say, like SOM. Don’t go mutilate, for better or worse, the wow classic servers. Just merge them and purge the dead ones to consolidate the wow classic playerbase, and use SOM as the sandbox, since again, it’s seasonal. Anything and everything is could be subject to change for the next SEASON.

So the idea of doing that on a, let me check and quote:

is the answer, instead of a server that is known ahead of time to be subject to change?

If your biggest worry is “Oh no I don’t think I’ll like this season” then don’t play that season. Next season would, in theory, be different.

And if multiple seasons aren’t to your liking, then ay man, sucks to suck, not everyone is going to like every video game.

And if it fails in the end, then atleast we had a good run while it lasted.

How’s that quote go again?

“No king rules forever my son.”

I mean, you are certainly welcome to hold that position, but I believe you’re repurposing my original sentiment in the full sentence you are referencing. If you recall, I was referencing the fact that I would find an amalgam of systems jammed into the game by a committee of the folks asking for this favored change of theirs or that a literal abomination, and that I wouldn’t want to play it. Trying to cast me as a hypocrite for this is more than slightly disingenuous.

I believe you are incorrect here. What you’re proposing doesn’t make sense from a financial standpoint, nor a practical standpoint for the community. Let me elaborate;

My position: Blizz should implement mass change to at least 1 or 2 Classic Era servers that have the lowest activity, rather than scrapping them as you suggest. Implement a voting system where the players can determine what they’d like to try out or experience for themselves within their own community. You only gain MAU’s this way, since any increase is a positive increase if the players on that server never amount to 1 or 2 online at a time. Leave SoM to be as authentic as possible, as there is still massive appetite in the community for a fresh server, with progression, that won’t fall victim to unforseen metas associated with #NoChanges, and retain a #Authentic Classic feel.

Your position: Kill off dead Era realms entirely, don’t add anything to potentially revive as dead a community as WoW has ever had. Add whatever tickles Blizzards fancy to SoM because it’ll be kooky and neat to see what happens, and if its bad, hey, it’s only a YEAR of dying SoM servers, a sense of atrophy in the server community, and declining MAU’s for Blizz. Then, each season, do the same thing, and if you strike gold on a particular system and server hype, great, if not, oh well, sorry you lost out on your investment in this project, Blizz… No king rules forever.

… I’ll note that just because you know and can use the word “moot” does not imbue the word with the power to make things so. Thanks for the spice, though. Definitely a good lol out of it.

Love this idea, as long as the changes were listed somewhere easily accessible for us to know what exactly was changed. I would go make a new character on one of those servers, I wish they would do what OSRS did and put in a voting system for active users who are either max level or something. They would need to gate voting somehow so votes stay true to the active player base

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What makes something “classic”?
What makes something “retail”?

In my mind, it’s not achievements, it’s not collectibles, it’s not heirlooms, it’s not mythic+, it’s not LFD, it’s not LFR, it’s none of that. In my mind, retail is just a game that survives on repeatable grinds for the collection of borrowed power. A continuous cycle of busy work.

In my mind, the key difference between classic and retail is the forceful nature of retail, where you need to keep playing daily in order to maintain your character, which was only implemented in Legion and onwards.

Let’s look at achievements, I think this is a great example. It is still in retail, pretty much unchanged from its inception from LK. Would this be a retail change? It’s dated, and the idea of it goes back longer than LK’s existence. Would putting achievements in SOM make it into an “abomination”?

When talking about this from your perspective, that’s all it is, your perspective. I can’t tell you what you’ll find fun or not, or a good change or not.

I do find it hypocritical to complain about the forum users being whiny, when you yourself came to the forums and ended up proceeding to whine about how you don’t want “x” and “y” together.

That aside, you give specific examples in your satirical example, but don’t really even explain what a retail feature is. Outside of me calling you a hypocrite, what do you even describe a retail feature to be.

Financially, as you put it, keeping dead servers around costs money. Consolidating the servers opens up room for more servers.

Practically, the wow classic servers already have a purpose. They are recreations of wow. Going in 2 years later and arbitrarily changing them, despite their low population, will give more backlash than not, which Blizzard can not afford in this current climate.

Yes, which could in theory be done in SOM just as much as you’re suggesting that it can be done in Classic era servers.

That is inaccurate. While it’s not a shocker that the servers have very low populations, there is indeed still somewhat of a player base on those servers. The ends do not justify the means.

Yes, as authentic as possible with no debuff limit, increased exp from quests, more herb and mining nodes, and more.

If only there was an authentic as possible server already in place. :thinking:

So… Do you even know what SOM is? This is the furthest from authentic at the moment.

Yes, consolidate the current wow classic servers to make room for more servers.

The wow classic servers still have a purpose. I would like to see all clones get refunded, and all characters moved to TBCC servers, and then have classic servers be a rotating 2 year cycle from P1 to P6 with as minimal changes as possible, like the devilsaur spawn rate and chronoboon staying in place along with the other varying changes made for classic servers.

SOM could easily then be classic with changes, experimenting every year with more and more drastic and radical changes while maintaining the classic world.


and if its good, hey, it’s only a YEAR of thriving SoM servers.

See how that can go both ways?

Yes the changing servers for a recreation of a game that came out over a decade ago will be the deciding factor on Blizz’s ability to stay afloat as a company.

The best part of all of this is, you’re assuming that any changes put in place on day 1 IS GARAUNTEED to be there on day 365. If there is an atrocious change and the majority of the player base doesn’t like it, then it could be just as easily removed.

Yes, many private servers have thrived on making radical changes, one of the biggest being Ascension, where you don’t even have a class or a faction, and it’s almost entirely random what abilities you get.

It’s weird how something sounds bad to you, can sound great to another, yet you’re assuming you somehow represent the majority.

Yes, no king rules forever.

I don’t know if you know this, but video games die.

A hypocrite is using mockery as a form of cope. Cute.