Season of Gutting Specs

That’s weird, I just looked up the patches for Dragonflight , they are around every 3-4 months and i see minimal / no class tunning.

So how is SOD like “live” again? Live isnt gutting multiple specs/ roles every 2 months…

They gutted tank shaman is all. Dps shamans are fine.

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which spec are we talking about?
when shaman’s only viable spec is B tier healing and being taken solely for the raid buff we could have the conversation. but it seems like your crying over a balancing nerf.

I have tanked most of the time i have played wow, in retail i did a lot of prot paladin. in Classic i was a 2x warrior tank. This thread is NOT ABOUT SOLY SHAMANS. This also relates to them destroying tank warrior at the end of phase 1. Its also about my buddy getting gutted as boomy in p2. This is also about my friend who had a very tough time finding a raid spot on his rogue in p2.

You guys can troll all you want about shaman but look around, many specs and roles have gone from hero to zero in the last 5 months.


I would have rather been able to warrior tank in p2 or not have to find /tailor groups to play with my friends who had gutted specs. But instead i had to change what i was doing this phase to shaman tank because warrior was beyond useless

Duh. Nobody plays “Soly Shamans”.


Ya know, I was going to debunk you by grabbing a link to the 10+ class tuning threads for 10.2.x cycle, but you’d just cap and say they aren’t real changes anyway so I don’t see the point in giving you more than the last one which still happened 3 months after the 10.2 series stared.

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warriors can still tank, boomies are still great dps, and rogues didnt get their spec gutted(it was raid design). frost mage wasnt gutted either in vanilla it was only ever a MC raid spec because of resistances.
like 99% of your complaint is lack of scaling not gutting. nor is the phenomenon unqiue to sod. its been that way in every iteration of wow

If you play wow for the PvE I feel REALLLL bad for you, because there are so many better options for PvE in MMOs. WoW has the BEST PvP of any MMO so I’m happy that they’ve decided to make PvP a priority.

In retail they had a 5 person team from WoD-Shadowlands and if you couldn’t tell PvP was trash, this team seems to actually take PvP into account in its decisions, makes me happy.

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dude wrote a book… I guess I’ll wait for the movie

your post instantly reminded me of this brand new video:

h ttps://

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We cleared Gnomer every lockout, including the first, with a warrior MT and never had an issue. The real issue is the fotm chasers.

TDLR, fixed for you


you also forget that they are ADDING COMPLETELY NEW MOVES TO THE GAME. not just changing %'s like they do in live.

Lying is a choice.

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Off topic but dude I think you might have the worst named character I’ve ever seen in WoW history. Like kill on sight world pvp level embarrassing name. Just thought I would share.



I tend to agree with this tbh. Classic pvp is fun and has its moments for its really for the 1% of super sweaty gamers. For me i get enough PvP out of Dota and CS… I dont really need it on 20 year old classic wow.

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Imagine letting other people dictate how and what you play.

This game was already easy. Its still easy. No amount of unbalance is going to make anyone have to reroll.

Cry more

Shamans malding


lucky you can play retail which has a lot of casual pve for you to enjoy

this this is the way