Season of Discovery Phase 5 Patch Notes - Version 1.15.4

Why has the SoD update screwed my Classic HC game??? Why was my mouse sensitivity all borked along with pretty much all the addon’s I use???.. It’s classic ERA HC… DON’T CHANGE A THING!!! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

I got 1k honor killing a dude in Theramore.

oh wow so the changes are out now then? thought it was thursday

Why the massive nerf? The debuff still lasts the same amount and baelfire bolt will do less damage. 4 stacks vs 9. I am hoping this was a mistake…


Shouldn’t “For Great Honor” be boosted as well? Otherwise it’s going to be pointless to turn in that one instead of turning the marks in individually

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World Buffs

  • Players who have completed the appropriate quests related to looting the Head of Onyxia, Heart of Hakkar, or the quests involving killing Rend Blackhand will now be able to hand in a repeatable quest once a month to re-trigger these world buff effects. These new quests grant no rewards and confer no other benefits other than triggering the world buff event on your realm.
  • There is now a 10-second cooldown on obtaining a new Darkmoon Faire buff from Sayge in Season of Discovery (was a 4 hour cooldown).

Do this on Classic Era too kthx


very cool very pog

Lock tank is going to suck for solo content and pvp… We don’t always have a rogue with us to partially offset the nerf with their poison.
I can’t imagine anyone playing tank if not well geared.

will boss drop more items if people doing 3 trials? confused

Why nerf the damage? Just buff threat… wow

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Big fan of upcoming changes!

With the upcoming cosmetic alternative for boomkins, is there any possibility of warlocks getting something similar for metamorphosis? I would really love to have an alternative that lets me see my character. Something like Dark Apotheosis from MoP could do nicely.

Being able to do less than half the damage with a round of balefire bolts and then still cutting all mana regen for 30 seconds destroys how useful this rune is. Mages weren’t even on top of the charts before and this nerf seems unnecessary.

the balefire bolt change is a 700-1k dps loss for fire mage…blizzard this is totally unacceptable you cant nerf a mid tier class 30% wtf are u thinking…if this stays no way i can continue to play as a mage… every other class in p5 according to sims will do over 1k more than us even p4 lokcs are already 1k more than a p5 bis mage…this makes no sense…