Season of Discovery Phase 5 Patch Notes - Version 1.15.4

ty! great patch

Why oh why are you removing the items from the quest?? This whole game mode is about exploring new combinations. Why is this being blocked?

Reading is hard.

You still get the quest reward when you turn it in the first time. After the initial turn in you can trigger the world buff associated with the quest via the repeatable version at any time (no quest item required). Why would you get additional rewards for this?


It’s clear you aren’t understanding my post. I know that the first turn in reward is not being removed.

I know that you can turn it in again.

What I don’t understand is why is the reward being removed from the second turn in, ONE MONTH after the first? SoD is about exploring new roles for classes. Why is it so outlandish that people might want both rewards?

Why would you get additional rewards? Uhhh idk maybe because you are turning in a freaking dragon head.

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You’re not though? It doesn’t say anything about requiring an additional Ony/Rend/Heart object, just that there’s a repeatable quest that becomes available. I could be wrong on that since it isn’t very specific, in which case I could agree that an additional item object may be in order.

I definitely agree with the idea that exploring different specs would be nice, but I’m glad they’re addressing an issue with lowered frequency of world buff drops as characters age.

EDIT: Just checked. I can trigger Rend buff without head. I assume this is the case for Ony and Heart as well.

I was waiting for the new melee hunter aspect and the improved aspect of the hawk talent rework…

but nice patch overall

I’ve been hearing some chatter that this was accidentally omitted from the patch notes, but is live. The hunter discord is currently looking for it.

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The pvp for this is absolutely terrible doing a total of 398 crit back stab and ambush in wsg to any class is just dumb. WHile hunters hit me for 1556 multishots and 2k CHimera shots over and over lock tanks hitting harder then my back stab or saber slash or multilate. Fix PVP please

I’m a horde armorsmith and the weaponsmithing specialization quest isn’t available from Borgosh in Orgrimmar.

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Where’s the use for Emerald Chips they said to save for? The enchanting/herb bags aren’t on the vendors.

I have one month of game time remaining. That is the amount of time that I will allow for my one-dimensional healing class to have the 25% nerf to healing reverted, or I’m done playing. The Shockadin experiment, while novel, has resulted in changes that ruin the enjoyment, and now the niche, of playing Holy Paladin.

The Beacon of Light change makes any future dungeons involving group damage a pain to clear as Paladin, akin to TBC Heroics when Beacon was not a thing. Holy Paladin has been strong in PvE, but that is because they fulfill a very narrow role with very high healing output. They’re primarily the tanks’ sidekicks. I do not understand why that requires a huge nerf. You already fixed the Divine Light heal spam abusability last phase.


Ngl, there’s some nice QoL added to this. Color me impressed.

In relation to this (sorta) could we get a lv 60 iteration for items/rewards to grind rep and get some comparable catch-up gear to do BWL?

Great way to incentivize AFKing/botting. :man_facepalming:

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while you’re adding new NPCs to Sod, add Behsten & Slahtz.

I really enjoyed Judgement twisting in Era/HC, was a very nice QoL improvement for Prot/Ret and gave you another button to press in their nonexistant rotation. Sad to see it go.

I asked for PvP improvements for months in SoD but its clearly hopeless. with a 40% damage reduction for casters Mages will be oom every single kill and pointless to play. Flush the toilet with SoD and put resources elsewhere.

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so this includes world pvp honor, av lieutenant/tower honor, stv coin honor and brm honor (2x after the already 300%) ?

Do you have no pity for the poor shaman that got killed by a holy paladin? I mean obviously major nerfs had to be incoming.

edit: not sure why it’s using my retail character. I am alliance in SoD.

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Nice job ruining double judge.

Literally no reason to ever wear anything except tier 1. Why grind field marshal kek

0/10 patch

Truly unsub worthy

World Map is broken.

Don’t make ANY changes to ERA… Why are so many people asking for changes… LEAVE IT THE F ALONE. For those of us that want to play the game as it was… not changes for the love of god.