Season of Discovery: Night Elf Rebellion

And initially they shot at them too. Jaina however was apparantly able to smooth things over and the Prophet got everyone together for a big dance party at Hyjal.

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And the explanation of how they smoothed things over is what people have asked for for years.


Yes we know that is the meta reason. That doesnt mean you can’t also have a lore reason, which is what the Forsaken got a long time ago.


Plus the Horde kept doing it afterward, while by all indications the Alliance withdrew to the coast after the Legion’s defeat and haven’t tried to encroach on the night elves’ forests since.


Surprised we haven’t seen the Forsaken go against the Horde yet seeing as how scummy some forsaken can be. I would be surprised if they actually did that on the horde side more.

Two words… Jaina Proudmoore.

Known for diplomacy… and really great hair.

Only a temp fix though by the time WOW begins the detente has all but fallen apart.

I agree, this is a neat addition, actually. It always felt a bit inorganic that the isolationist Kaldorei wouldn’t have any dissenters after they joined the Alliance with little explanation. I always thought Night Elves would make for an intriguing catalyst for internal conflict within the Alliance, but it has never really been explored so this small lore tidbit (canon or not) is interesting to see.


Rare based elf, neat.


Blizz stated that season of discovery is canon. They compared it to found photographs, we just didn’t know these things happened, but it does not really change the world outside of being a “huh had no idea that happened, that’s neat”.


Nice! Thanks for sharing, that’s pretty cool! (& fun for us lore nerds!)


They’ve always operated under autocratic governments.

Any other juicy details from Season of Discovery? I haven’t been able to keep track.

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I mean…there was the Wrathgate.

There’s a detente, and then there’s assimilation.

Also lol, really? The Horde went back to chopping trees in Night elf land after Warcraft 3? Had they learned their lesson at all?

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In fairness, it was the Warsong still harvesting Ashenvale in particular, so…no. Apparently - and perhaps unsurprisingly - no lessons were learned.


Well, Daelin clear cut the only source of lumber in Durotar, and the Barrens never had much to begin with. The Horde didn’t have a lot of choice.

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Given what we know of the Historians’ role at Blizzard this is highly likely to add more inconsistency to the lore than what the most current expansions already introduce.

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To be fair, I think this addition is nice as it doesn’t really change anything. The early years of the Night Elves being a part of the Alliance were not marked by strong bonds of friendship and trust. That’s not to say there was outright hostility, but both sides no doubt mistrusted one another to a limited degree. I think in this case, the NPC gives an excellent reason as to why they mistrust the Alliance. The activities of the Dwarves in vanilla were far from laudable.

If there were some noble in Stormwind representing a minor faction whom mistrusted the Kaldorei as being barely one step above trolls, and damning them for their condemnation of the Alliance’s High Elves, it would hardly feel out of place.

So long as such characters don’t do more than provide a face for these sentiments, then it’s not problematic.

Now, if there’s a massive new questline where they’re plunging the faction into Civil War, then yeah, that’s a problem.


I hope we get some blood elf stuff because there is a lot of hints in vanilla that they may be a horde race, but they arent more than hints. would be cool to see some more blood elves that were previously behind the scenes helping horde