Season of Discovery is Fantastic! One Small QoL Improvement Would Make it Perfect

SoD has been an incredible experience so far! The new content, fresh challenges, and overall gameplay have really revitalized my love for the game. It’s clear that a lot of thought and effort has gone into the first three phases.

However, there’s one quality of life improvement that I believe would take this already amazing game to the next level: account-wide reputation gains.

Currently, grinding reputation on multiple characters can be a daunting and time-consuming task. If reputation gains were account-wide, all of our alts would benefit from the same standing as our mains. This change would encourage players to explore more of the game with different characters without feeling penalized or having to repeat the same grind over and over.

Imagine being able to enjoy the rich content of Season of Discovery with your alts without having to start from scratch on reputation. It would make the game more accessible, enjoyable, and less repetitive for many of us who love to play multiple characters.

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So…you want even less reason to log in and play?


No need to cope like that, it’s just reputation, the rewards aren’t even that good or mandatory.


The only real QoL change that the game could use is items stacking to higher amounts than 5…


the game is supposed to be fun enough that you enjoy the rep grind on multiple characters :expressionless: if it’s not, then SoD failed.

Pretty sure the “spending 40 hours killing the same group of open world mobs” was replaced with dailies, dungeon mobs, and BoE marks…for good reason.

SoD is the first time I’ve been invested enough in classic to go get Exalted with all of the PvP Factions, Revered with the Manbears, (and plan to be) Exalted with Thorium Brotherhood and Argent Dawn.

But I’m doing it for the rep rewards and seeing what they add… not because killing Furlbogs until my eyes bleed is fun.
Being a “watch youtube” game is palatable because youtube exists…not because repeating the same exact thing for a workweek is fun and engaging.

(That said, it is an avenue for punishing the stupid alliance warrior in Felwood on Crusader Strike, so it isn’t ALL terrible.)

naw needs more stackable clams. 3.0.2 best patch ever!

No. This is an mmo-RPG. The RPG part is important. The argent dawn doesnt know you the player behind the screen. They know akarin the druid. They dont know your other characters.