Season of Discovery into BC and Wrath

Blizzard has been coy on what will happen to our characters when SoD is done. It’d be cool to continue this “Season of Discovery” into Burning Crusade and on into Wrath. Our Classic SoD characters would just continue into BC (and eventually Wrath). New players shouldn’t have to miss out so just start them at 60 and 70 respectively.


The whole point of Classic+ is that it builds on Vanilla WoW in small ways and doesn’t change the game too much by changing the level cap or adding expansions. It’s meant to add new content WITHOUT invalidating the games already existing content. As soon as you add an expansion, the whole game becomes about Outland and getting to the level 70 content and the entire original game becomes an annoying chore or tutorial that you have to speed run through to get to the “real game”.

Expansions are completely against the point of Classic+.


I think they should leave it in vanilla, but add the other races as discoveries.


I get your point, but I don’t see why Blizz couldn’t keep this “Classic era” mode while letting you copy your SoD toons into BC SoD and on to Wrath SoD. I think both of these would be really cool with a SoD mode on it.

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I second this. I think they could continue SoD into TBC and continue building new things into classic. Make this into Classic+. It’s been incredible so far.


I think the ‘discovery’ part could easily be factored into Outland and other regions that expansions introduced at some point, Vanilla maps as they stand will get very stale regardless of what new content they try to add to it… 'll need new areas to discovery to become fresh again

Outland is pretty boring as far as I’m concerned.

I reckon they should just launch fresh Cata servers afterwards. Have people start at level 1 in the expansion containing all these new quests and zones. It’ll basically be classic+ as it is now, just with updated graphics, zones and class/race combos.

Same thing that happened with Season of Mastery. They either move or disappear. This is what they described when they talked about “Seasons”.

If there’s any stories worth discovering/fleshing out in the TBC/Wrath era which will be relevant to the upcoming three WoW expansions, sure. This seems like a rather novel way to flesh out old lore.

With the Void-touched questline in BFD and some theories I have about Gnomer and the Troggs who woke up from deep underground, I’m becoming increasingly convinced that stuff we see happening here will somehow tie into the World Soul Saga, and this is how they show us stuff that happened in this era but wasn’t in the original writing.

They wouldn’t have called it a “season” if it wasn’t meant to end.

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I don’t think they’re going to even remotely tie together retail and SoD.

No, no it would not.
Please not this cycle of lazy crap again.
Vanilla fork would be amazing. (Which classic should have been to begin with)
Squish levels, add new zones/quests to the two continents. Maybe change and add new dungeons each time and just level squish characters down to lvl 1 again.

People were hoping for a fork with WoTLK, and what we got was Cata classic.

It’s unfortunate but you have to look at the game from a business perspective, rather than a gameplay or story-driven one.

I’ll pass on that one.

I think WOTLK was the goat… but I don’t think it’s a positive for SoD, plus the WPVP would suffer with the addition of flying. I feel the simplicity of era and the additions of SoD is a really good combination, it’s a relaxing experience.

Expansions took the massive expanse of azeroth, and turned it into a handful of zones in a new continent. Invalidating old content is bad, if we go into tbc/wrath, im out.

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Metzan seems to have his fingers in the pie. I wouldn’t be too sure.

@Blizzard what I’d love to see is the other classes like monk, dk, and professions like jewel crafting/inscription in classic and maybe even Draenie / Blood Elf, but still no Outlands content. It would also be nice if they would add classes to the races IE gnome priest, dwarf shaman, tauren paladin, etc. @Blizzard look at this. Heck, I’ll even take Worgens and Goblins in their pre-graphics update if possible @Blizzard.

Skip BC and do wrath and mop instead that would keep the classic+ experience alive because you dont leave azeroth.

no please no. Continue classic but dont raise level. Dont make azeroth useless again.

they ABSOLUTELY need to continue SoD into TBC and Wrath

if you don’t like TBC and Wrath, you can simply stop playing.