I Would like to see hunters get 10%hit buff for duel wield rune like Shaman.
Also as a fix for such low range dmg. I would like shoots and or pet to be affected by wild strikes or wind fury
Hunters need all scaling nerfs reversed to be relevant. - Chimaera increased to 200% cool down reduced to 3 seconds, aimshot instant.(Just like these dog trash boomies hitting one button for 1500 damage instantly) sniper training as a 3 second 25% crit. that would bring them from f tier to D tier. Melee hunters could use both 10% hit 10% damage, 3% mana returned on crits.
Im super confused about this too and theres been no response so far. Likelyhood is there is some internal debate going on, about whether it should stand or not. Could also just be a simple typo but i feel like so many people have mentioned it already that it couldnt just be a typo.
Either way, if the change goes through then iāll probably stop playing altogether, i dont want to be roped into choosing between a version of ret that constantly runs out of mana and has the most simplistic rotation ever or playing shockadin which i refuse to take seriously as a raiding spec.
Wellā¦ Did my first raid last night after the changes to hunter and you completely broke my class. I am so frustrated honestly with the removal of the 30% raptor strike. I was basically removed from my raid group last night because the damage has dropped so muchā¦ why do yall hate hunterās so much. I thought that SOD was going to be a place where every class is OP instead of just warrās,
hunters cant win for a damn second. This change dropped my DPS tremendously. dropped my damage output. it was so different please compare logs from prior to patch to after because yall really messed this one upā¦ Do you want to just not have anyone play hunter.
Did you give into complaints like you said you wouldnāt do ?
Who even makes these changes do yall play the game ? how does it even make sense that i basically now have to run BM so i dont lose 18% dps. thatās so much dps this change was so bad and I have no choice but to drop my hunter MY FAVORITE CLASS because you devās hate them or something idk.
but this puts alot of stress honestly i spent all this time leveling my hunter to be nerfed time and time again
You cant nerf us with normalized damage and a 30% reduction its so my kit literally consists of two buttonsā¦
I know everyone hates hunters but as an under represented class it felt good to be on top for once.
Hunters were top for a total of 2 weeks of this game being out for 15+ yearsā¦ make it make sense
We did it warriors we were mentioned on any blizzard post! Now our useless boot rune helps for all those raids warriors are not in
I have 4 toons the hunter was gonna be my main p2 but i saw this coming leveling him with rested xp until all the nerfs are in wont be going hard with him.,
I was already near top of my guild in dps as dual wield enhancement. Thank you daddy blizzard for putting me over the top

- Two-Handed Mastery rune now also provides 10% increased Attack Power and 10% increased chance to hit with spells after hitting a target with a two-handed weapon.
- Shamanistic Rage rune now grants 5% of the Shamanās maximum mana per
second, instead of a value scaling from Attack Power, Spell Power, or Healing Power.- Spirit of the Alpha rune now grants the casting Shaman 20% increased Attack Power if they cast the spell on a target other than themselves.
- Earth Shield mana cost reduced by 67%, and charges increased from 3 to 9. The base amount healed now properly scales with level and is about 50% higher than previously at level 40.
- Power Surge tooltip revised to clarify functionality. This rune periodically grants mana every 5 seconds, equal to 15% of the Shamanās intellect. Some potential timing issues that could have sometimes made it give less mana than intended have been fixed.
- Ancestral Guidance cooldown reduced to 1 minute (was 2 minutes).
You guys obviously have never PvPād against a enhance shaman. Wow.
So are we hiding the rest of the changes for Warriors? Warriors need some buffs to our utility and survivability runes. There is too much player damage in runes with no way to offset or compensate.
Some suggestion:
- Warbringer give 20% damage reduction on your charge, intercept and intervene for 2/3s.
- Enraged regen needs a 30% dr on top of heal.
- Victory rush needs to proc on assists/kills Reset on kills. (or always active with a version of reset on kill/assist). would be interesting if it had a scaling modifier with hp or missing hp either for dmg or healing. scale off stamina directly?
- remove shared cooldown from retal/shield wall/recklessness. reduce them to 10-15 min cds. put a 30sec to 2 min cd shared on activation. (main thing is removing shared cd)
Nourish is now instant cast when Fury of Stormrage is active. Nourish no longer breaks Moonkin form when Fury of Stormrage is used to cast an instant version of the spell.
Lmao? What even is this?
The threat increase of Just a Flesh Wound is well done!
Ranged hunter buffs when? Its falling behind tanks now, and frost mages might even pass them by the end of p2.
Stop trying to force hunters into melee, its fine to have options, but its clear you are trying to force us to be meleeā¦

- Dual Wield Specialization no longer grants a 30% damage bonus to Raptor Strike for wielding two weapons of the same type.
Please revert this I can no longer fight in blood moon I cant produce good dps in raids everyone is above me as a hunter which is crazy cause im the only pure dps class
I think that you over listened to people complaining instead of listening to people that actually play hunter and that is sad.
just give the crown back to warriors and rogues
against other melee dps that I was fighting pretty easily prior to these changes something just doesnāt feel right about the class anymore please revert this
dude Iām saying and they nerfed hunter the only real threat they had
I chuckled a bit tooā¦ whoās got 40 points in balance, sitting in moonkin form and using the nourish rune instead of eclipse? Iām tempted to go get nourish just to be that confounding.
Please add Dwarf Shaman and Tauren Paladin. My friends and I all play alliance. Classes should not be getting 30% nerfs/buffs/changes. It makes me want to switch classes after spending days leveling to 40. I want to play shaman on alliance and I donāt want to play on a different server.
Ret needs some love I canāt even get into a gnomer group right now. They only want pally tanks.
Why did you guys nerf a bunch of classes just to buff up shamans so hard that theyāre clearly overtuned? Yikes.
Melee hunters are STILL 2nd in overall damage even after the 30% nerf to Raptor Strike. Itās still good.
Thank you Dev team! Melee hunter feels good now.
- I would love to be able to redeem the Arathi Basin Tabard at Exalted during P2
- Please make reputation account-wide. This would make it SO alt friendly, and this would make it appealing to level one of each class for the first time.
- More events like the STV event, this is so much fun, thank you! <3