Season of Discovery Hotfixes - February 28

When you guys did this your method was flawed. If someone purchased a duplicate set item you guys deleted every duplicate of that item they had without respect to when it was obtained.

This impacted me, I picked up a duplicate set to the full T2 set I already had thinking it would be fun to mess with runes- then when the server alert went out saying that they would be removed I said ok cool, and sold them back to the vendor. The following day I went and purchased an additional bracer from the undermine vendor in booty bay. Then come Tuesday all my T2 was deleted. This wasnt the ptr vendor stuff, this was boss drops that I have had for months.

I have been instructed by customer service in ticket 102612953 to put up a post here for fixing. This is for SOD.

I get taking away the stuff from the PTR vendor and I am fine with that but the way this was done with hard-earned drops being removed is a huge gut punch and these drops need to be restored.

This log was from the month before the purge and shows me wearing the gear that got deleted; WCL report id: W7gt6AFLdXxrpYaB though I am positive that Blizzard can independently confirm I had these items.

The hotfix above was implemented to make it so that the Mixology benefit (where an Alchemist could create 2-5 flasks if they had completed the required quest) now works correctly. It was not working before, due to the stack limitation.

Your local Alchemist was not holding out on you, they just weren’t getting procs until the fix above was implemented.

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Fact check:

jeeze you sure do have the hots for me

December 13, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Tarnished Undermine Real drops in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair increased to 3 per boss (was 1).
  • Damaged Undermine Supply Crates cost increased to 10 (was 5), and will now always contain some of the new Ahn’Qiraj crafting reagents, Scarabs, Idols from the Ruins or an Idol from the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.
  • Using any of the world buff consumable items will no longer cause party and raid members to stop eating or drinking.
  • Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Activating an Obelisk inside the raid will no longer interrupt player’s eating or drinking.
    • The Obelisk to continue opting into the Descent into Madness has been shifted to be underneath the large water pipe that leads down to the encounter space.
    • Moam and Ayamiss have had their health reduced.
    • Noxious Burst should now correctly grab targets to deal damage on detonation and not application.
    • Non-boss-enemy drops from Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj have been added and distributed across the first three bosses (previously were only obtainable from the chests).
  • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Activating an Obelisk inside the raid will no longer interrupt player’s eating or drinking.
    • Ouro should no longer summon the Eye of C’thun if the Descent into Madness is not active.
    • Noxious Burst should now correctly grab targets to deal damage to on detonation and not application.
    • C’thun
      • Tentacles should no longer spawn while C’thun is vulnerable in Phase 2.
      • Digestive Acid once again stacks.
      • The frequency at which some tentacles spawn has been reduced.
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December 17, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Added a Rune Broker vendor to every starting area. This vendor will provide access to all class runes at level 1.
    • Developers’ notes: Some discoveries in the game world may not function properly if you learn the related rune ability from items purchased on this vendor.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Ring Specialization runes from being available on Rune Brokers.
  • Increased the drop rates of Hive Thistle, Small Obsidian Shards, and Large Obsidian Shards in Silithus and Ahn’Qiraj. Every herb node in Silithus is now guaranteed to have 2-4 Hive Thistle. All Large Obsidian nodes now always have 1-2 Large Obsidian Shards and 3-5 Small Obsidian Shards. All Small Obsidian nodes now always have 2-4 Small Obsidian Shards and a (larger than before) chance of a Large Obsidian Shard.
    • Developers’ notes: These changes only apply to new spawns of the nodes, so until every node has been re-spawned, there may still be some that behave as they did before the change.
  • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Twin Emperors to continue spawning Eye Tentacles after combat had expired.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Twin Emperors to fail to respawn.

How about you fix the encounter with hardmode twin emps where you can not disable hardmode

December 20, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • The Orgrimmar Commendation Officer in Orgrimmar and the Ironforge Commendation Officer in Ironforge now sell items for Commendation Signets. The items sold by other factions (Zandalar Tribe, Timbermaw Hold, Thorium Brotherhood, Steamweedle Cartel, Cenarion Circle, Hydraxian Waterlords, and Argent Dawn) can now be purchased from these two vendors.
  • The new Flask recipes from Ahn’Qiraj can now be traded to others who were eligible to loot them, with a two-hour timer.
  • Hunter
    • The 4-piece T2.5 ranged Hunter set will no longer launch additional Kill Shots against player targets. The cooldown reset will still occur. Its tooltip will be updated later.
  • Paladin
    • Shock and Awe’s buff is now removed when talents or gear are changed.
  • Priest
    • Fixed a bug where Circle of Healing from Priests with the 4-piece set bonus from the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj was healing more targets than intended.
  • Shaman
    • The benefit of the Shaman tank 4-piece set from Ahn’Qiraj will now cancel if the Shaman unequips the set.
  • Warlock
    • The T2.5 damage Warlock 2-piece set bonus will no longer incorrectly grant more than 30 stacks of Shadow Vulnerability when combined with Shadowflame.


It seems the Scarab Brooch trinket does not work for mage healing. I made a bug report about this after winning the trinket from raid on my alt mage and finding out that it doesn’t work at all. I see that it was looked at for Paladin’s Divine Light. Could someone please look at it for Mage healing?

An r14 warrior can do nothing to either r14 resto druid shaman or holy paladin w high stamina

Crit damage even with recklessness hits for 1k when their hp is 10k buffed

Literally you can’t out damage even the instant heals and HOTs, and that’s with reck

The hotfix changes are already out, it did absolutely nothing in pvp because a warrior is doing half of the damage it should. We literally need a 100% damage increase for pvp

While all other classes already have this burst factor and more with full cc’s

I’d say just buff sunder armor to a percentage based reduction

5 stacks = 50% armor penetration

And then scale more attack power 15% to both rend and deep wounds

This will fix all of the issues of warriors hitting for nothing in pvp, And wont change pve charts at all, which other classes are insecure of

The original armor value based sunder armor, is actually mechanically broken. It does very little vs high armor targets, but does too much vs cloth targets

Bleed damages are also so weak it’s actually a useless type of broken, because all other sod classes have gotten hyper burst damage in pvp

And I’m not talking about a rune, I’m talking a real fix on the abilities


That is indeed the perfect fix, but a warrior would still fall short on pvp since sunders and bleeds takes some time to put on. But like you mentioned before, blood craze also needs to get buffed to 9% and hp regeneration rune should also be doubled to 60% hp. Just because sod bursts are crazy and blood craze was already quite weak back in era. The era version of blood craze is nothing in sod, fights don’t even last 6 seconds here

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How about no, nerf palladins.


January 13, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • The Protection Paladin T2.5 two-piece bonus is now correctly removed when the set bonus is broken.
  • You can no longer use Fresh Holly, or Preserved Holly while Divine Steed is active.
  • Shadowfiend can no longer be used in Neutral cities to cause the guards to attack the target that was engaged upon.
  • Various Cat Form Druid abilities such as Berserk, Savage Roar, and Wild Strikes will now work properly during the Nefarion Druid Class call.
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Why are the hotfixes to AQ40 you made this past week not listed?

hey how about asking around if anyone at this small indie company is still working on cata?

January 14, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • The Real vendor now sells All Tier 1 and half of the Tier 2 Tokens
    • Tier 1 Wrists/Waist/Hands - 15 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 1 Feet/Shoulders - 20 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 1 Chest/Legs/Head - 25 Tarnished undermine Reals
    • Tier 2 Wrists/Waist/Hands/Feet - 35 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Developers’ notes: We currently have no plans to further expand the raid equipment present on the Undermine Real vendor, and we’ve focused this change exclusively on giving newer characters access to set bonuses that may be critically impactful to their character progression.
  • C’thun will now drop 1 additional item in all difficulties. This item will be either an additional Chest Tier piece, or one of the highly desired weapons from the instance for damage dealers and healers.
  • Thorns effects from items (aside from Nagelring) will now log into the combat log.
    • Developers’ notes: The behavior of these items is unchanged. This update adds information to the combat log that previously was only displayed on-screen.
  • Many Ahn’Qiraj crafting patterns have had their required materials lowered:
    • This includes Glowing Chtin Armor Kit, Sharpened Silithid Chitin Armor Kit, Tuned Force Reactive Disk, Obsidian Scope, Enchanted Stopwatch, Tear of the Dreamer, Lodestone of Retaliation, Totem of Flowing Magma, Totem of Pyroclastic Thunder, Totem of Thunderous Strikes, Enchanted Totem, Qiraji Silk Cape, Qiraj Silk Cloak, Qiraji Silk Drape, Qiraji Silk Scarf, Razorspike Battleplate, Razorspike Headcage, and Razorspike Shoulderplate.

Neat, now let us buy Molten Core recipes from the vendor already.

Can you make it so that we can swap pieces across roles? I’d love if I can trade in my tank gear for DPS gear and vice-versa. I’d still have to pay for new enchants and AQ scarabs/idols.

Hey can you guys please fix the AQ mounts it lets you cast the mount bar when youre in combat then triggers a gcd on it?? im not sure how stuff like this goes unfixed for weeks and weeks its really damn annoying. you also cant just hit the button the mount is bound to to dismount like a regular mount? its been like over a month you can do better!