Season of Discovery Hotfixes - February 28

Still nothing about the Druid’s nerfs.

Shaman and Warlock sections could use some formating.

Hmm, while I agree with the change of removing Samantha during STV, I notice that Blizzard responded immediately to address Ally struggles with an NPC giving DKs. Not an ounce of relief for Horde, though, who have struggled for months and months at DMF. Just interesting to note this.

Are you kidding me? DMF isn’t a pvp event with 300 plus people every 3 hours.

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November 25, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Items
    • Blessed Qiraji War Axe stamina removed (was 9 stamina) and strength increased to 9 (was 0 strength).
    • Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight: Timeworn damage over time effect increased to 3% per piece (was 2%).
    • Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight: Timeworn extra attack effect changed to a true extra attack (can proc things), and it can now be activated the same sources that proc Hand of Justice.
    • Wrath of Cenarius is now activated by Spellfrost Bolt, Balefire Bolt, and Frozen Orb, as intended.
  • Paladin
    • Divine Shield will now reduce your damage dealt by 50% while active.
    • Divine Shield will no longer reduce your attack speed by 100% while active.
    • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece damage set bonus updated – Your basic attacks increase the damage of your next Exorcism cast with 20 seconds by 40%, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Rogue
    • Main Gauche now increases Sinister Strike threat generated by 50% (was 100%).

So just going to delete the paladin then…

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They like to appease morons that appeal to their egos on social media.

It’s been an entire year. Why are you doing this to Pali now. Sham still dominating PvP and now Pali is going to be useless. You take away Human racial so horde can have them. Now you make bubble useless. Who the f*** thought this was a good idea.

Get off the horde @Zirene & @Aggrend , this is ridiculous. The most out of touch nerf I’ve ever seen.

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LMAO! It’s hilarious to see reactions of people when their broken class suddenly gets balanced. You think it’s a coincidence that paladins are overrepresented in AB (average of 4-5 every game) AND are usually blowing up everyone on the leaderboard (along with Boomkins)? Yeah, that leaves 2 options: Everyone who plays paladin is a god and master of the game, or it’s a class with several crutches that is designed for absolute beginners.

You were doing insane damage with no penalty, had a 12-second full immunity WHILE being able to mount in combat and wreck people, have a stupid squire that can heal and annoy healers, can immune yourself and others from all physical damage, can dispel everything except curses, etc.

Finally, and importantly, in a world where AB is the dominant BG (because of Blizzard laziness not fixing WSG or AV), it is insanely unfair that you can hold an entire Horde team off the flag for 12+ seconds, allowing reinforcements to arrive and keep wiping us while a rotation of paladins keeps ressing and rotating bubbles to repeat the process.

Welcome to the real world.


Still no mention of the boomkin nerfs. So far there seem to be at least 5 that we know of. What else was changed that you’re not telling us.

November 26, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Chronoboon Displacer
    • Items that share exclusivity with world buffs (Horn of the Dawn, Songflower Seed, Shimmering Globe, Overseer’s Anvil, “Defective” Magic 8-Ball, Firewater Cauldron (stacking change only), and Spirit Conch):
      • Will no longer be removed if the person with the consumable leaves raid.
      • Will extend the duration of the appropriate world buff instead of replacing it.
      • Now stack up to 5.
      • Known issue: these consumable items list their duration as Until Cancelled instead of 1 or 2 hours. That will be corrected in another hotfix.
  • Druid
    • Improved Moonfire now correctly increases the damage of Starfall.
    • Improved Moonfire and Moonfury no longer affect base damage of their associated spells.
    • Improved Moonfire and Moonfury now affect the entire damage of their associated spells.
  • Hunter
    • Tranquilizing Shot no longer has a minimum range.
    • Trueshot Aura will now grant the Marksmanship Hunter using it 100/150/200 additional ranged attack power (was 50/75/100).
    • Melee T2.5 set 2-piece bonus now increases Wyvern Strike damage over time by 50%, and increases the maximum focus of your pet by 50 (was Increases Wyvern Strike damage over time by 50%).
    • Melee T2.5 set 4-piece bonus now increases the impact damage of Mongoose Bite and all Strikes by 15% (was 10%).
    • Beast Mastery rune now increases your pet’s damage and health by 15% (was 10%).
  • Priest
    • Shadow Priest T2.5 set -piece bonus now increases the damage of Mind Spike by 20% (was 30%).
  • Rogue
    • 5 damage set 2-piece bonus will now only affect Saber Slash and Mutilate (was Sinister Strike and Saber Slash).
    • 5 tank set 2-piece bonus will now persist for 10 seconds after using Main Gauche (was tied to having the Parry buff active, and fell off when an attack was parried).
    • The Attack Power ratio on Instant Poison with Deadly Brew has been increased to 5% (was 3%).
    • Slaughter from the Shadows Ambush and Backstab increased against non-players increased to 60% (was 50%).
  • Shaman
    • 5 Enhancement 2-piece bonus that increases the damage of Stormstrike and Lava Lash by 50%, is now twice as effective for 2-handed weapons.
    • 5 Enhancement 4-piece bonus now causes your Stormstrike, Lava Lash, and Lava Burst critical strikes to burn your target for 30% of the damage done over 4 seconds (was only Stormstrike and Lava Lash).
    • Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj 3-piece set will now correctly increase the damage of Lava Burst from Overload.
    • 5 Enhancement 4-piece bonus will now correctly work with Off-hand Stormstrike.
  • Warlock
    • Haunt’s increase to Shadow damage over time effects increased to 40% (was 20%).
    • Haunt now correctly has a return animation.

Can we please look at swapping the mage healer T2 4piece and 6piece around. I’d like it to stay relevant and fun moving into future phases.

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any time table on when the hunter sword quest will be fixed

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December 2, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Blackwing Lair

    • Applying at least 1 affix in Blackwing Lair will now add an additional item to the loot cache. This item will be one of your faction’s 8 class trinkets.
  • Druid

    • Feral damage 2-piece Tier 2.5 set bonus now increases Shred damage by 15% (was 20%).
    • Mangle (Bear) Threat modifier increased to 1.5x threat per damage (was 1.0x threat per damage).
    • Lacerate’s impact Threat modifier decreased to 3.33x threat per damage (was 3.5x threat per damage).
    • Lacerate’s damage over time Threat modifier decreased to 3.33x threat per damage (was 3.5x threat per damage).
      • Developers’ notes: The threat changes are intended to assist in snap threat for Tank Druids, giving more value to using Berserk on the opening of a fight while retaining the value in stacking a lacerate.
    • The following Balance Druid updates were implemented on November 19, 2024:
      • Improved Frenzied Regeneration can no longer be used in Moonkin Form
      • Survival Instincts can no longer be used in Moonkin Form
      • Dreamstate’s increase to Nature and Arcane damage taken, can no longer be applied to players.
      • Developers’ notes: These changes are targeted at Moonkin’s frustrations in PvP encounters. They will still have an option in these slots rune-wise for PvP, albeit way less durable or bursty, in the form of Elune’s Fire. Dreamstate will still provide the mana regeneration in PvP. This also made room for the talent adjustments made recently to buff up Improved Moonfire and Moonfury.
  • Hunter

    • Ranged Hunter Tier 2.5 2-set bonus is now a 20% increase to Kill Shot damage against non-player-controlled targets.
    • Swapping to the Kill Shot rune will now correctly place it on a 12 second cooldown (was 15 seconds), adjusted for its new base cooldown.
    • Swapping off of the Kill Shot rune will now place Flanking Strike on a 12 second cooldown, and prevent the stacking of Sniper Training for 12 seconds as well.
    • Hunter Pets will now benefit from equipped gear on the Hunter that reduces the chance to be dodged or parried.
    • Swapping Rapid Killing to Lock and Load now prevents the use of Lock and Load for 60 seconds.
  • Mage

    • The cooldown of Cold Snap has been reduced to 5 minutes (was 10 minutes).
    • Fire Mage Tier 2.5 4-piece bonus decreased to 15% (was 20%).
    • Fire Mage Ruins of Ahn’Qiraji 3-piece set bonus decreased to 15% (was 20%).
    • Living Bomb now has an additional line of text that reads: “Living Bomb benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Scorch” allowing ticks of Living Bomb and the Explosion to apply Fire Vulnerability if talented.
  • Paladin

    • Tier 2.5 Holy Paladin set 4-set bonus has been updated – Your heals on your Beacon of Light target also heal the nearest friendly injured target for 90% as much (was 30%).

Who the hell would use Elune’s fire in PVP???
What are you devs on?

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Who the hell would use Elune’s fire in PVP???
What are you devs on?


Someone who doesn’t wanna use the nerfed Improved Frenzied Regen, that’s who.

It doesn’t say anywhere that it’s good so chillax and stop assuming that they’re saying it’s a ‘good’ option when that isn’t what is said.

It’s just saying if you don’t want to use a nerfed Improved Frenzied Regen or find it hard to use now, there’s a very rarely used option in Elune’s Fire that is ‘less bursty and less sustain’ to counter the argument there isn’t anything to use in that slot anymore. E.g. if Dreamstate didn’t give mana anymore and didn’t work on players you wouldn’t use Dreamstate, Survival Instincts, or King of the Jungle as a Balance Druid. So it’s pointing out there are still below average runes to use in those slots and it’s not a completely/utterly dead slot in PvP.

Hello??? Nerf Shaman in PvP. Tank runes, feral spirit, nerf it all to the ground. Are we gonna get another Pally nerf before your precious god class gets fixed? You know Alliance is literally 100% unplayable, 100% loss rate with this egregious Pala nerf and no Shaman nerf, right?

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I’m loving all the alliance whining tears make me satisfied

Where is the 2.5 warlock tier supporting demonology and affliction?

We cant stand 2 - 3 months only gearing up a single cloak.

Why are locks bound to the tier 2, while all other classes/specs have fresh itemization and bonuses…

Nov 19th to december 2nd. It only took 2 weeks to state the changes.

And yet shamans get buffed to the point that they can literally run around spamming purge and still kill things. I’ve seen shamans hitting for upwards of 7k on a rolling thunder. Hunter’s get buffed to do 4k on instant casts, hunters can go through 12k hp in 3 globals. yet people complain about druids 3 sec cast because it hit for 3.3k so they nerf them into the ground. Not just one thing but they remove all survivability and damage at the same time. they don’t even have the courtesy to call it rain