Season of Discovery Hotfixes - February 28

Please, please include all your changes in the patch notes. You nerfed the bejesus out of my Enhancement Shaman’s healing without so much as a word.

Thanks for the patch notes/communication!!! Jk you guys suck

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October 15, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Tier 2 belt tokens no longer drop in Blackwing Lair. Prince Thunderaan still drops two belt tokens, and his single loot table for unique gear has been split in two.
    • Developers’ notes: The BWL change should result in players seeing more set pieces from other gear slots from Nefarian and the bonus chests. Prince Thunderaan’s split loot table now grants players an extra item every kill.
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You still haven’t noted the stealth nerf on riptide and earth shield.

they dont want ele shammans to be able to play the game thats why they keep their dmg the worst in the game and now they are gimping their utility. our 1 dot hits for 200 meanwhile boomkins priest locks get multiple dots critting for 800 each one

October 30, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Druid
    • Fixed a problem where the Druid PvP sets allowed multiple movement speed increases to stack. They no longer stack.
  • Hunter
    • When Chimera Shot is used with Serpent Sting, the extra effect now benefits properly from ranged weapon skills and gets the correct 10% critical strike chance increase from Sniper Training (was incorrectly 20%).

Is that all?


Can we please get another threat buff to Main Gauche? Or SOMETHING that makes it a viable option for tanking? I’m like the only person who uses the rune. I have Thunderfury and I still struggle with threat in BWL. It’s insane. I just don’t get why you guys won’t make Main Gauche viable.

Saber Slash and Mutilate outperform Main Gauche so strongly for rogue tanking. Yet…Main Gauche is the “tanking” rune?

  • Hunter
    • When Chimera Shot is used with Serpent Sting, the extra effect now benefits properly from ranged weapon skills and gets the correct 10% critical strike chance increase from Sniper Training (was incorrectly 20%).

well that would explain a few things

  • Druid
    • Fixed a problem where the Druid PvP sets allowed multiple movement speed increases to stack. They no longer stack.
  • Hunter
    • When Chimera Shot is used with Serpent Sting, the extra effect now benefits properly from ranged weapon skills and gets the correct 10% critical strike chance increase from Sniper Training (was incorrectly 20%).

Amazing hotfixes, these hunter changes have completely shifted the pvp meta and the quality of my games have gone up by 2000%. Blizzard really does understand how our playerbase feels, good job Blizzard!


First time SoD? xD

Or……just have Main Gauche generate high threat itself. Similar to other high threat abilities. E.G. Mind Blast or Counterspell.

Seems like Rogue tank T1 bonus to give reduced energy on FoK and increased threat isn’t working properly if Blade Dance is refreshed by Cut to the Chase? Once I manually casted BD I would get the tier bonus but if I refreshed BD with Eviscerate I would then have to spend 50 energy to cast FoK and it seemed like the threat from that was pretty negligible.

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November 12, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue where your sleeping dopplegangers could escape from Blackfathom Deeps and disrupt capital cities.
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Could we please consider swapping the tier-2 4-set bonus on mage heal with the 6-set on the same tier.

I beg of you, please, either hyper spawns or more layers in Silithus, the grind for scarab lord is going to be impossible at this point except for guilds with 20+ people to camp multiple spots

November 14, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Sylvan Vest now correctly has Stamina (was Strength).

November 22, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Samantha Swifthoof will no longer patrol during the Bloodmoon Event in Strangelthorn Vale.
  • The Ahn’Qiraj War Commendation World Buff consumables will now only apply only the Dragonslayer, Warchief’s, and Zandalar buffs to pets, as intended.
  • The world buff consumables from War Effort Commendations changed to cost 50 (was 100).
  • Hunter
    • Kill Shot cooldown reduced to 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).
    • Kill Shot bonus damage increased to be 20% higher than Aimed Shot (weapon damage component unchanged at 100% of weapon damage).
    • Ahn’Qiraj ranged 2-piece bonus now decreases the cooldown on Kill Shot by 65% when targets are between 20% and 50% health (was 50% reduction).
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue with the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece Arcane set bonus for players who did not have the Regeneration or Mass Regeneration runes equipped.
  • Rogue
    • Just a Flesh Wound now reduces your Dodge chance by half. Evasion still provides its full effect of +50% Dodge.
    • Just a Flesh Wound now reduces physical damage taken by 30% (was 20%), plus an additional 1% per 12 Defense above 300.
    • Threat generated from Unfair Advantage has been increased by 50%, to compensate for it triggering less often.
    • Main Gauche now generates 300% threat on impact (was 100%).
    • Main Gauche now has a 15 second cooldown (was 20 seconds).
    • Main Gauche now provides a 200% threat increase to Sinister Strike (was 150%).
    • Main Gauche now provides the Sinister Strike threat increase for 30 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Developers’ notes: Since before the introduction of Rogue tanks, we’ve foreseen conditions where they become untouchable by melee attacks, and while this is core to the original Rogue tank fantasy, it’s not sustainable or healthy. We’re reducing avoidance and adding more consistency with damage reduction, so that Rogues can still tank, and we’re increasing the incentives on wearing Defensive gear while decreasing the incentives for wearing damage gear. Players can use Main Gauche in situations where they feel they want to actively mitigate incoming damage, instead of using it to maintain a buff. We’re planning to make additional adjustments to Rogue tanks, as well as to other classes and set bonuses in Ahn’Qiraj, prior to its release.
    • Shaman
      • Shield Mastery will now provide 4 Spell Power per point of Defense (was 2).
      • Ahn’Qiraj Shaman tank set 2-piece bonus now also can trigger from Lava Burst and Molten Blast.
      • Ahn’Qiraj Shaman tank set 4-piece bonus now also increases all threat generated by 20%, and all damage done by 10%.
    • Warlock
      • Haunt’s duration increased to 15 seconds (was 12 seconds).
      • Unstable Affliction’s base damage (before spell power) increased by approximately 120% over its duration. Feedback damage from being dispelled remains the same.
      • Ahn’Qiraj damage 4-piece bonus now increases Fire damage by 5% per stack, stacking up to 2 times (was 2% stacking 5 times).
      • Ahn’Qiraj damage 2-piece now also increases Shadow Bolt damage by 10%, and now also allows Chaos Bolt to trigger the Improved Shadow Bolt talent.
      • Ahn’Qiraj tank 4-piece now allows the effects of Demonic Sacrifice to persist while having a pet active, as long as the Warlock does not resummon the sacrificed pet. Warlocks may still only have one Demonic Sacrifice effect.
      • Demonic Grace can be used while a Warlock has no pet active.
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Uh, when does this go live? She was literally still patrolling as of the last BM event 7 min ago lol.

Are you going to lift the raid cap for AQ? Flex raid in BWL and MC was great, now you have capped it again.