Season of Discovery Class Tuning - January 11

I’ve said this before but the SoD devs remind me a lot of how the retail devs acted in SL’s. That should make anyone who likes SoD terrified. It literally drove the game to the worst state it maybe ever was and took a complete revamp of how the game should work to start to fix things. Hell DF is a solid, not great expansion that suffered because of it.

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So did the developers realize this was a bit much for both classes? Why not just have the aura work on pets and healing like it does for everyone else? Novel idea right this way you don’t break PvE in the process?

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There was plenty of feedback regarding lone wolf and other underperforming runes like sniper training. But feedback only works when multiple people cry on the forum or somebody makes a meme video killing 600 hp mages.

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Careful with the common sense. It has no place on this game. Better watch yourself, bub.

The wsg aura does work on pets damage done. They deal 75% damage in wsg. They also take 100% damage as they are not a player. So pets are double nerfed

More popular.

The aura has never worked on pets are you saying it now does? That is why they are so strong.

It didn’t when the change first rolled out. This was fixed

Its been working on pets for almost the entire time.

People were misrepresenting the “testing” with showing their damage in the world without the world buff, then showing its damage in wsg with the world buff. Effectively making it appear that the pet was not getting nerfed.

The world buff added about 30 damage. The wsg damage nerf took off about 30 damage. So most people didnt realize what they were watching.

I see no difference between this forum and Retail’s anymore.


So either way as it stands right now this nerf has not gone live for either class?

Not able to test it right now. But some priests were reporting about 20-30 less healing in some abilities so it might be live now.

Another nerf to hunters. wth is wrong with this sod dev? Do they not know bm rune and chimera shot rune go on the same slot? How is it a compensation?

Where are the nerfs? My pet is still solo’ing people

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Hunter has not changed yet.

This is what “out of touch” looks like

This man’s in here begging to be nerfed. C’mon, Blizz, deliver!

Maybe they realized 10% nerf to hp and damage total value and 30% nerf to focus regen total value was a bit to much?

Honeslty they should make the rune give pets 40% more damage (no bonus hp), 0 focus regen bonus, make growl a taunt and cost no focus, and makes pets have 6% reduced chance to be critically hit.

This removes the burst issue because while pets would hit harder with their abilities it is far less frequently, their auto attacks would hit for more, but they are far squishier to being focused as well, but have the pve crit immunity for the intended purpose of the pet being tankier in pve.

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Amazing ideas, this guy gets it

That doesn’t reduce their burst opening potential. LB is 50 energy and pets have 100, WS fire off two LB before even getting in melee range as is. Adding 40% bonus damage if it were to effect the LB would make the issue worse. This would just at best shift the sustained DPS to be auto-attacks or potentially lower it depending on how the math washes out compared to using pet abilities more often

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