Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - February 27

The Balance Druid Cycle:

Phase 1: It’s over…

Phase 1-2 Starfire Build: We’re Back!

Phase 2 Nerf: It’s over…

Phase 2 Chicken Buff: We’re Back! <---- YOU ARE HERE

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Why would you promote a new Shockadin spec and then screw everyone who went and farmed gear/gold for it only to turn around and nerf the spec within a week? What are you thinking? It’s not like pallies were out DPSing everyone else…

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mages are fine dude, nerf hunters more.

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Alright time to spin the wheel to see who gets nerfed next.

Hunter nerf was overkill.

Its a 15-20% nerf to their dps. Right after a 5-8% nerf from weapon normalization.

Reducing the 30% down to 15-20% would have been reasonable. Outright removing it is gutting of the playstyles performance. And considering ranged hunter is near last now ranged and melee hunter is gutted…

Welcome to hunter the worst dps in the game and the only pure dps left…


You know that you’ve now killed this rune right? Why would you go dualweild spec now? For 50% more offhand damage which is still just 75% of mh damage. There was so many ways you could have tackled this and instead you killed the rune entirely.


Delusional devs apparently don’t play or do not know how to access logs. Like why nerf every hunter spec to the ground.


What was the point of the SoM AoW nerf? With Ret paladins using SoC, it felt like an unneeded decision. This pretty much kills the shockadin tank build that A LOT of paladins were having fun with.


That’s fine, their DPS was that far ahead of the other melee specs anyway. With the armor nerf they will recover some of that damage lost.

Your melee Hunter spec is not dead, the damage is still good and competitive with all the other melee. You are just balanced with everyone else now rather than being far ahead. Worst DPS? Melee Hunter was ahead of everyone and is still going to be in a great place, at least you are not a Ret Pally atm, they lost the SoM/AoW build and all need to go back to DS now. plus the pally tanks are going to hate this even more, I would not be surprised if you see less tanking now.

It was far from being overpowered, but it was effective and above all Fun and Active. These past couple weeks of being a Holy Spellcaster Gish is some of the best I’ve had in wow

Removing its interaction with weapon procs and enchants - sure. I can understand that. Its a weird interaction. But to separate Martyr and Art of War entirely is throwing open the flood gates when it hasnt even been raining. Please, I very much hope you reconsider this part.


No point dualwielding at all lol, much better off with a 2h now. Put invigorate on your boots and melee weave. Will be more dps than 2 1h weps. It’s a shame though, now every hunter needs to source a decent 2h weapon now.


Explosive shot is good in 5 mans, you know, where you tend to AoE frequently.

Warrior threat and damage actually left untouched KEKW

Plenty of other classes BIS we can roll on for two handers.

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You should atleast give dualwield rune +hit now. Why even dualwield when all you get from the rune is 25% weapon damage to offhand?


I am not sure what the purpose of the Martyr + AoW change is. Ret is already in the dumpster, so you put the final bullet in it for the phase. Killing fun interactions that kept the class competitive with other classes. Wake up Blizzard, do some research.

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This is definitely the braindead take of a ranged exclusive player. Melee have a way harder time in practically every raid of the game mechanic wise vs a ranged player, therefore damage should be there to compensate that risk vs reward.

Hunters are also getting outscaled as the lockouts happen as others get more gear, fire mages were about to pass us at 95% percentile and warlock is right behind them even though mages have can heal and warlocks can tank. Hunters can exclusively dps, imagine being a plumber but someone calls an electrician because they are better at plumbing than you.


yeah it was just a super fun build and something where we had options on what we wanted to do next. It was just REALLY unique, would love to know the reasoning behind this

Come back by the end of p2 when everyone outscales hunters again.

P1 hunters were strong, and after gear scaling warriors ans rogues were doing more damage than hunters did before their 14 nerfs.

Hunters have horrible scaling.

Some people have said bis gear will see around a 10% increase in total stats from bfd/leveling dungeon gear. Most other classes and specs will see around 10% more dps because of that (warriors will see more) melee hunters will be maybe 5% more dps, ranged hunter might see 3%. Its just how poorly hunters scale.


No Warlocks? Nothing? What game are you observing?