Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - February 27

Tbf melee hunter is top dps but them not nerfing mage and spriest is hilarious

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Those aren’t statistics, those are literally the maximum dps that a single player in each spec managed to log in Gnomer. A mixture of exploits, degen gameplay, and full-blown RNG/lottery luck that allowed those singular players to manage an insane number one time each.

That’s what ‘Max’ means. Statistics would require a larger pool then just one representative from each class/spec lol.


No it’s not lol.

Maybe fix it then so it does function? outside of a macro this is kind of garbage.

More importantly though…
When are you going to fix shiruken toss? It’s terrible and nobody uses it.

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It is kinda sad. Ret kinda feels like a waste of a dps spec really for boss fights. Will be even more so now. They should have gave a lesser cool down on CS with that change.


It kind of removes any reason to run Martyrdom now though, it’s damage is a weapon strike so if it can crit, it should be coded to proc on hits. Now your rather rune DS for that extra weapon hit chance to get AoW resets rather than the sustain from SoB.

If they’ve hard coded it so we can’t twist it, at least let the SoB crits proc art of war, felt very engaging as a Ret to watch for procs, now it’s back to oom spec runes.


Great start on helping out 2H enhancement shamans! Love that you are hearing us! Please keep it up!

Since your in the listening move, why not gove 2H enhancement shaman another instant attack? DW has two, it would greatly help us if we, 2H shaman, had two as well. Why not turn frost shock into an instant weapon attack if were using a 2H wep? Just an idea!

Please keep up the 2H enhance tuning!

This is fantastic. But why is Wild growth rune not castable without dropping form? It’s a rune, not a healing spell.


These all seem like pretty decent changes, I don’t think we can really be too unhappy about those.

I still would have liked to see a small mana reduction to Starfire, but the addition of cheaper Moonfire and Sunfire will potentially reduce the number of Starfire casts in general reducing the overall mana usage of the rotation.

I do worry a little about Feral/MM as they seemed to be performing a bit poorly, but hopefully the overall armour reduction should sort that out. (As from the lower performing classes these were the two with the most physical damage being mitigated)

Also Alliance shaman and Horde paladin when?
Come on, you know you want to do it.

Dwarf Shaman and Tauren Paladin. Just rip it straight from Cataclysm :wink:

Ok, and where is ranged hunter buffs?

Or is the goal to nerf melee to compete for last place with ranged hunter by the end of p2?


MM hunters still rock bottom dps then? No buffs or any rune changes? Just another week of druid rune tuning…

MM doesnt have any leg slots now, lone wolf cant be used because its on chest with kings. Aimshot does less damage than chimera instant shot…


Seems to be the goal, there’s a major hateboner against Hunter being able to do any kind of DPS, when that is all that hunters bring, they are just DPS, and they don’t even get to be the best at that one thing.


See these are the changes I said a long time ago, the problem is there’s no real good regrowth/rejuv talent.

If they made lifebloom benefit frmo either of those, and then made Starsurge not benefit from wrath/starfire talents but have higher coeff scaling, druid would be SO fun with so many hybrid builds.

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No buffs for rogue. Great job blizzard your freaking smoking crack.

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Honestly they are overthinking Living Seed. It should just be something simple like “HoT can now crit.” or “Lifebloom and Rejuvenation receive the benefits of Regrowth talents.”

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Its ok, you will still do way better than 2H enhancement.

Rogues are getting buffed… sorry the TRUE rogues not the mutilate apes.

I wish retail could get some class tuning.

Nerf ret paladins.

There was little reason to run SoM if you weren’t tanking already. There were a few instances - particularly with ACP - but for the most part, DS was still the play.

Again, this isn’t my opinion on whether or not it’s a good change - if you care about that, I’m slightly disappointed, because it was nice for tanking and having up to a 4x chance to get an Exorcism proc for more TPS, as I’m now down to a whopping ~7% crit unbuffed, ~11-12% buffed, with, at most, a 2x chance to proc, when Wild Strikes goes off. My post was just to state that this probably wasn’t intended to “nerf,” but to “fix unintended game behavior,” just like when the hotfix fixed SoM from proccing Firey Blaze and vice-versa.