Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - February 27

This needs more attention.

I came here to say the same thing, was glad I stumbled across your post.

Extra emphasis on giving fast weapons an actual use. It’s a cool, fun new build that’s not OP… let us have fun. If you think the SoM proc is going to cause problems in later phases with better gear, well fix it then, leave it be for now.

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BTW prot/holy pally need some love as well.


time to run lone wolf with bm on gloves as bm spec with dual wield melee spec and still beat half this crap community on the meter

So boomkins get mana cost reduction, but mages still run oom on fights and have to drink for 40 seconds to refill their mana pool from zero. Meanwhile shadowpriests do insane front loaded aoe and never have to drink.

If mana dps classes aren’t supposed to care about mana, then mages need to be looked at. The damage is fine, but I really would like out of combat mana regen addressed for the class if the cost of our spells remains this high without great mana recover options that other mana dps classes have.

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sir need i remind u that u r a shaman

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I guess they thought the healers needed a drinking buddy. lol. But I agree with you 100%

The Seal of Martyrdom nerf for Paladins is so beyond stupid! Infusion of Light was already garbage compared to Sheath of Light, and now you are further reinforcing that by forcing every prot/shockadin tank to use Seal of Crusader for Art of War fishing + the 50 spellpower from Sheath it gives.

AT LEAST combine Infusion of Light and Enlightened Judgements (which not a single Paladin uses) to make the spec partially viable.


how about buffing a warriors shouts? 2 minutes is quite annoying. how about making it a rune or book that increases shouts to 5 minutes??? pallys get 10 min might. priests buffs got more time??? why not warriors??? please increase shout time to 5 minutes…


Can we get the same thing for Divine Storm.

((Naturally, adjust the ‘percent weapon damage’ to keep it from melting things.))

Basically a Paladin’s entire ‘melee attack’ should consist of Holy damage and Physical damage; like a 30/70 split (holy/phy, respectively).

So the only pure dps class now has no decent raid spec - was on the ropes about throwing in the towel on SOD anyway, thanks for making it easier


I can’t wait until your back here complaining about the fact every hunter goes BM spaming you with traps from a distance in combat, stunning you with a pet that you can’t get away from thats still hitting for 600/700 damage a strike.


I think this thread is enough proof that Hunter is the new Warrior. Even after all their nerfs in phase 1 they were still in a fine position on damage yet they whined endlessly about how useless they were, and in phase 2 they get a full two weeks being uncontested top dps only slightly challenged by Mages and Warlocks at the highest percentile, and now that they’re being brought down to level it’s the end of the world

Ok maybe Mages and Warlocks should be nerfed too, but just because they weren’t doesn’t mean you didn’t deserve to be

I’ll be fine with it. Because at least I’ll be getting killed by a hunter playing as a hunter. Not some kind of instant kill melee abomination :expressionless:

you also don’t use the horn because might exists and is mutually exclusive

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Yes. That is correct. Only further showing that Blizz hates pallies!

A full two weeks. :rofl: as if warriors weren’t the uncontested number 1 dps of every single classic raid.


Between melee hunter getting gutted and other melee buffed, hunter will be the worst melee dps by end of p2 (if they arent after this goes live) and they have no kick, no true off tank potential, etc.

Melee and ranged hunter very well could be competing for last place dps with each other by the end of p2.


Ah yes… Nerf Paladins. They were sooooo strong… -_-


20 years of being a hunter. I HOPE im wrong. But blizzard has a trend with hunters.

Heavy Nerf early, leave to rot, fix next expansion, heavy nerf early, etc.


They got too close to letting us do something viable other than tank.

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