Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - December 12

Agreed. Increase what the proc does. 100% signed. Make it flexible and adaptive to fall in line with druid thematics

little typo. Aspect of the Hawk instead of Aspect of the hunter. I like seeing this lion change though.

its world of warcraft classic. nothing in this game has requires you to exhibit any amount of skill.

dont delude yourself into thinking your god gamer x because you can kill someone in pvp


I appreciate the caster love, but can you do something about the Epic Crafted Boots now that casters are hit capped via Oil and World Buff? The 3set cloth gear from the raid rewarding 1% hit also feels very useless.

That’s pretty funny.

I just did a math check, I’m at 6% base +1 for boots, +3 for world buff.

That’s 10%, we need 11% to be at 1% miss for a level 27 (which is what the bosses are).
Where is the extra hit coming from?

Lmao you sound like such a baby it’s hilarious. What class are you? Why are you so upset about balance. Get good, any class can beat the other with enough skill. It’s only at the top echelons or the very bottom skill were balance really matters.

Awesome changes all round


Not everyone will go in with a WB though. Also if there’s a wipe they’ll lose the WB too.


Just… Why?

Increase the duration of shaman weapon enchants please.

There’s a 6% chance to miss for mobs that are 2 levels higher than you. You get 2% from oil, 3% from world buff, and 1% is a vanilla mechanic that always fails regardless of if you have hit or not.

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My sub was literally running out tonight and I had not renewed. I will now renew because these additional hot fixes are very promising and I’m honestly stunned by their quick adaptation.

I may have to begin to seriously consider altering my perception of Blizzard. At the very least this has made it clear to me the SoD team is cut from a different fabric in the very best way.

EDIT: Actually I don’t know. Ashenfail event is obscenely broken and terrible. The faction imbalance Blizzard has inflicted via obscene Alliance favoritism in SoD is so bad it might even be overshadowing the failures on class balance and scaling. Struggling to find a reason to play when Blizzard set out to ruin Horde as a faction in SoD as much as they did in Retail.

So Rogue tanks still totally unusable?

thanks for confirming your opinion on mana management is not worth listening to.

Now that I think about it, melee hunter’s don’t have a useful aspect now besides monkey somewhat. Maybe in the next level band we’ll get something. Maybe cheetah being nerfed to 15% but no daze for mobility, a melee AP buff aspect, or a cleave. I recommend Aspect of the Tiger, Elephant, Gorilla, Crocodile, or Rhino.

You have zero clue what you’re talking about. How can we manage mana if we don’t have the tools at 25 to manage it?

Casting a few spells til OOM and wanding is NOT and has never been mana management.


You again?

Fair changes, will wait to see how everything plays out tomorrow. Now that scorpid is being corrected can you allow its poison to be its own stack so if you have multiple hunters in a raid each one can actually get the damage as it stands it just stacks in 1 place and only 1 hunter gets the damage.

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As a mage the reason we aren’t doing damage isn’t some random 2% miss chance. It’s the fact we go oom in 10 spells. Casters have such bad mana at these levels that we’re wanding half the fight