Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - April 30

i there needs to be less focus on strictly on looking at pve statistics on warcraft logs to make class balance changes and actually play the game a little. especially a bit of pvp.


Warriors are ahead because they have a 30 minute CD that makes their parses look good.

The fact that Hunter has a 100% uptime on DPS that is competitive with Warriors using their 0.8% uptime super-busted CD should be saying something about Hunters.

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This is the give away with just how out of touch the dev team is in SoD. Two phases of 2h mace rewards for enh shaman. If someone wasn’t laughing as they coded that weapon they have no sense of humor.

Top friggin kek.

Great so every hunter in a raid now wants to take Lone Wolf but one will be forced to take Lion as a massive DPS loss. Sure looking forward to be the “sacrificial hunter” who gets relegated to buff bot.


How has this team made 100x more adjustments to Shamans compared to other classes? I swear every blue post mentions them.

I honestly feel at this point, not having a shaman toon is missing out on the bulk of the SoD experience.

Great, then nerf Vampiric Embrace? It only heals one group anyway so you’d need four to heal raid (or do stupid group swapping strats), plus Shadow isn’t the only one lagging miles behind.

If you ask “purists” this is peak vanilla wow. Only 1-2 class should be allowed the privilege of dealing damage, and if you’re lucky you get to fullfil the role of sacrificial buffer and take your aura or damage vulnerability to make the only viable dps do their job better. :joy:

so all I’m seeing is Melee hunter is top damage in ST so lets nerf them…raptor strike was nerfed by like 25% overall once you have 5 stacks in which would of been fine if you didnt nerf 10% damage off our pet damage!? its literally a month into this phase changing this stuff now does nothing for people parses or gameplay style they made for this phase. this change was made entirely too late for it to effect any real parses on the dps meters or have any negative or good changes to the game. all this does is force people to respec to yet again find the most damage they can with the nerfs to the previous spec. so when next spec gets too overpower for hunter youll nerf it. which makes no sense since hunter is the ONLY PURE DAMAGE class is sod SO it makes since we DO THE MOST DAMAGE!! just saying.


dude im in the same boat as you makes no sense to nerf a class that only does damage because we cant have the GREEN boys OUT parsing the BROWN boys on the meters.


and the worse thing is if this change makes Range the top dps all us melee who wasted the last 4 lock outs getting our melee gear are screwed. but hey this only effect the melee hunter community so who cares right.


Yeah, that the only pure dps class in the game, that can only do single target damage, and has the absolute worst utility of all the melee classes is where it should be damage wise. At the top.


lmfao rogue is literally one button its mutliate spam so get real mate raptor strike and mutilate spamming is the same exact thing


You babies keep parroting things you’ve heard people say in the past without even thinking about it.

O really no scaling like 20% stats from Lion and FORTY PERCENT agi attack power scaling with expose weakness?

Look at the gear upgrades, besides weapons you are gaining like 2 stats on every piece. Stop being dramatic.

I think I really am just done at this point. It’s not fun spending all this time grinding and gearing just to see my damage go down for the 3rd phase in a row. P1, yes there were some very badly needed hunter nerfs. P2, yea it was annoying from a gearing perspective to NEED the same two weapons in both slots. This…there’s literally no reasoning. There was hardly even anybody crying about BM hunter and getting any support from other players, and certainly no support from good players. BM is worse than MM at pvp in every single way. The spec’s saving grace was good pve damage. It has literally 0 utility, no trueshot, no trap launcher. It’s just a strictly worse rogue/warrior/enchance shaman now with no reason to ever be invited to a raid outside of charity

But I’d really like to reiterate my first point, because it can only exist as a result of pure lack of vision for a class/spec. It’s not fun spending time to grind gear and progress, only to become weaker. And they couldn’t even bother to give a reason this time around


its bull crap dude. i havent seen one post crying about BM hunters but here we are nerfin them. the spec like you said offers no raid buffs so basically all we had was good damage so that being nerfed is like a slap in the face


Wait, you said April 30, not April 1?

This has got to be the biggest joke patch notes of SoD. Warlock bug fixes to a rune nobody cares about, NOTHING for mages at all, a meaningless hunter nerf and shaman buffs.

The only thing that really surprises me is that you didn’t tack on another 15% to shadowform damage.

Casters are doing half the damage of melee and THIS is all you can come up with in 2 weeks?!


Huh? Keeping up carnage with garrote and rupture, expose armor with pooling energy for interrupts and mutilate after envenom. Vs slamming one button and a reactive proc to buff that button with one macro lol

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Gut shamans


you still spam mutilate i have a rogue and all those other things are a simple maintain in between your mutilate spam. i only wish my hunter had something to maintain and another button to press. the fact you all harp over melee hunter one button is funny. if melee hunter had a better button to press trust me every single one of us would press it. and flanking strike doesnt cut it even with cat like relex its 15 seconds cd plus low damage doesnt scale and thats backed by logs just look at how little damage flanking strike actually does, carve is useless to use. melee hunter to be made fun and not be a 1 button class would need serious rework to current runes and abilities which isnt going to happen so to nerf our one and only button is a slap in the face mate.

It reverts right when you learn how to read, checks class notices hunter, ah piss I’m sorry…