Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - April 23

Because it sounds cool tbh

It’s kind of weird you are encouraging this unintended exploit of game mechanics due to a few of the vocal minority that enjoyed this short lived gamey behavior…


Yep it’s as silly as when they added a cludgy version of batching into classic which was widely hated just so a handful of people could lol when they stunned each other in pvp.

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Very out of touch changes. There are ways to fix PVE damage and not have it impact PVP – but let’s just scale everything by percentages so it makes PVP even more broken.

I’m talking about Priests.

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And in this community, Avg dps is basically treated like grey parsing.

You can’t accept underperforming DPS as acceptable if you’re also going to have a culture demanding top performance in all content.

Not at all weird.

They made powershifting the expected and solely supported way to play feral, and that’s the same as seal twisting.

I’d argue it’s not the same…

One is using game rules to your advantage and the other is exploiting a delay in the server messaging system that allowed two abilities to co-exist that by definition of those abilities are not supposed to co-exist.

It already feels awful that parry dance literally needs to be active and slotted in on a rogue for the rogue to “technically” be tanking. No other hybrid rune off spec occurrence from SoD requires multiple runes to achieve a baseline “Now I am tanky” I don’t necessarily hate it but it does shoehorn rogue into a lot more concrete options rather than having flexibility.
If they make gauche as necessary for a tank rogue it will be in a vein similar to what your getting at but instead of making it so OP you take it over Mutilate or Saber Slash they will just rip something off of Just A Flesh Wound rune and add it to gauche to make it mandatory or necessary for a tank rogue. Or they will add another condition activator to Just A Flesh Wound to make taking Gauche a must like Blade Dance is and once again removing another rune slot that you can flex choose different things for.

Right, powershifting is just bad game design.

Seal twisting is abusing a server side architecture. Well i guess technically now it’ll be game design.

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I’m guessing they didn’t know, and that they didn’t put any effort into checking which builds were using MD currently. They probably heard a few ele shamans complain about having to melee and decided it was only a problem for one spec.

Spamming exorcism isn’t super fun, I’ll agree, but waiting until the end of your swing timer and clicking a different seal is pretty boring as well, nothing intuitive about waiting until the end of a swing timer and pressing a seal, and then rinse repeating on the next swing timer. Combo point ret is better than both of those options as it creates an actual fluid rotation. That being said I don’t know why making new and exciting things in something labeled “season of discovery” is a difficult concept for Blizzard.

The priest literally didn’t dispersion, fear or anything. They have a huge kit to survive and still did nothing. The priest could have easily survive but so many brain dead people play spriest now because they literally can press 2 buttons and kill someone post mortem LOL.

There is some good irony in this though… Paladin is considered to be the braindead afk whack things class and with seal twisting it will technically become the highest mechanically challenging class to play at 100% efficiency.
I do think this is a you problem though. If you can’t handle twisting if it’s BiS or optimal play something else. Saying that you want to keep your floor ceiling low in a highly experimental thought project “SoD” is really silly considering that exists and it’s called classic era.
For all their bravado with how they promised SoD was gonna be extremely casual friendly… gnomer and sunken have went far and away higher than anything pre second half of BWL mechanically and challenge wise and we are not even level 60 yet. The higher amount of active abilities that are being added to rotations for a lot of classes…
This is gonna be looking very retail like in terms of mechanic intensive fights and dps and healing throughput checks. If they truly want to have a casual experience they have got to hard stop course correct. Cause BFD was the only truly casual experience so far in this project. If it continues at the pace it is this will be a weekend get away for mythic plussers and retail raiders. Not that I am complaining but that’s not what I or apparently they wanted out of a classic experience even if it is technically Classic Plus.

Priest - Shadowform now increases all shadow damage done by 25% (was 15%).

Still showing 15% after maintenance and reset.

Update: Finally showing as 25% and damage seems to be scaling accordingly. Still testing but looks like its live now.


servers just went live. i see spriests tooltip 15% and not 25%. lol


It might be because of the fact that technically SoD and Classic share the same code, or at least from what I heard.

If that’s really the case, then I can see why it’s difficult to constantly make new and exciting things, especially with a small dev team, since anything could unintentionally bleed over into Classic.

Not making excuses for them, personally I think it’s incredibly stupid to launch a project like this with that kind of a technical problem at its core, but that’s the situation how I understand it.

He also didn’t crit that often and I’ve been able to kill shadow priests just by mutilating them 3 times.

If you use dispersion to early you eat a blind and just get a fresh stun.

3 dots and shadow word death would have been the play, you’d still die but so would he, even if he’s eating most likely

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updates didnt go through L2P

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Updates not live. One job.

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considered that by who? people who dont play the game? maybe in OG vanilla that were true but in SoD you cant afk a paladin to success.

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