Season of Classic Era

Do you have any examples to point to? I’m not saying, “No it didn’t,” I’m asking:

Do you have any examples to point to? — I’m genuinely curious, because I have seen a lot of people post on the forums that seem to say something like, “what am I supposed to discover?” or “I thought class balance was the point,” or something else.

I watched a video with some of the devs, and got this quote from a Lead Software Engineer on WoW Classic:

I have personally found there to be a ton of interesting things to do and discover. Granted, I may not be a die-hard, WoW Classic/Vanilla 20+ year private server player (I only had 4 max-level characters during WoW Classic 2019, for example), but all the new runes and abilities, the PVP and Raiding content, and level caps that give a chance to check out fun and interesting quests and item rewards that push the boundaries of these levels has been really fun, for me.

Of course, I may not have been expecting what others may have, and I didn’t watch any promotional videos or content (that I am aware of) prior to the launch of and playing SoD. I only looked some things up after reading about what others seemed to have expected on these forums.
