Season is already one sided

just started this season and yet again blizz graces us with a face to keyboard button mash melee dominated season…ugh
how about giving the casters a chance instead of making us have to run around the map just to try and get some casting room. even with precog, it isnt enough.
its time to nerf melee movement and stop giving them a hundred ways to close a gap

that’s insane because the best specs in the game right now are destro/demo/boomkin/spriest


Can’t happen, mythic+ is too important.

Melee always dominant at 1700


assa rogues keeping up with aff tripple dotting rn

Idk man in lobbies where its 2 melee 2 ranged it seems pretty balanced across the board

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True and real

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if you actually sit and watch what a caster has to go through to be able to play against melee you would see. im not talking about boomy and fire mage and affli…they have mostly instant casting damage and compared to hard casting anything is nearly impossible, especially when someone has a perfectly timed kick on you that you know is not humanly possible

Do you know this from your tank queues?

The male human and orc players you’re queuing into literally kick anything resembling a cast bar instantly even if it’s a physical ability


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think you are in wrong topic there bud

I swear affy stronger than destro


Can you elaborate?

Don’t mind Swole. It hasn’t gotten any PVP achievements without damaging its credit score in at least three years.


because the PvE community won with the set bonus vote and destro got short end for PvP

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Upon reflection, do you think this is 100% true or are you playing perfectly?

I lost 350 rating at 2356 to nothing but caster comps and mm-caster lobbies and throw in a healer leaving after 3. Idk what youre playing but its not melee dominated higher up

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this season?

Yep. Love being paired with comps i have 0 control over (mm in a full clothie lobby) and healers WAY below mmr put in my lobbies and have 0 knowledge on playing with a warrior

Literally the entire meta is revolves around boomkin pres x and hpriest mage x what are you even talking about

Boomy and mage are better than every other caster by a tier


Idk even last season afflic felt stronger with being able to keep so much pressure on everything. Only downside is having just 1 school to cast in.