Season ending, dampener question

As we near the close of the season, overall im fairly happy with my experience. I finally got 2k, in solo shuffle playing what i would consider to be a spec that isnt super “meta”. Being kill target 75% of the time and still clawing my way there was a pretty rewarding feeling. Unfortunately i was knocked down right after and have been bouncing from 2k-1900 since so unless i work some magic tonight the duelist dream is gone.

BUT, ive noticed a problem that i have with playing affliction and its one of those situations where the thing that originally pulled me into the spec, is now something i dislike.

Im not sure if its just me, but the dampener playstyle has me kind of burned out. Shuffles are not nearly as bad, but i played a 3s match the other day where the enemy healer had 50 million healing and wasnt even struggling to keep everyone up. We lost in megadamp, which i thought was the point where my spec really shines.

Is this an issue shared by a lot of other specs, or is it just an unavoidable product of afflock design.

TLDR I may want to play something that ends games, not sure im a fan of waiting until 80% damp just to get one shot anyways.

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Destro then if you stay lock. Affy plays to just eventually be unhealable rot due to damp and/or mana.


Destro and Demo are both strong. Give them a shot. Stick with a class you’re comfortable with but just try a different specialization.


Im not a huge fan of destro, rifts being insta dmg is cool but the fact that its rng whether they kill or not is such a dumb design. Have considered demo but im trash and it seems like a complicated spec when factoring in pet management for optimal dmg and the crazy amounts of cc. I may be overthinking it.

Have been tossing the idea around of pushing my mage, or maybe a rogue.

I know mage can be scary, not sure if rogue is in the same boat but they both seem to have a lot more agency over the game than aff does.

Maybe thats my actual problem, is agency rather than just the damage itself. Fear is fine but breaks insta if im triple dotting, coil is amazing, shadowfury pretty much always feels bad.

Rifts are gone tomorrow. Destro is getting a different tier set.

Mage is fun. Frost isn’t overly complex.

Main difference is that lock is pretty tanky while mage is about elusiveness.

Every lobby i play vs demo i feel like they do pad style dmg similar to aff but my whole team is cc’d for eternity. Is that a fair assessment?

I think you just hit the nail on the head lol. Perfect assessment.

Demo is also a damp spec.

Basically. Also, depending on their UI you might be able to accidently block their entire screen by bringing in the whole of Hellfire Peninsula to the tiny arena map.

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Yeah threatplates pets are off for me, i dont see much of an advantage to seeing anything but players and totems.

I may try and set it up to see tyrants/spriest pets but im not sure if theres a way.

Not always

A good demo lock is capable of bm hunter single target damage most of a game while having a cc kit that can complement every spec in the game as well as set itself up to get kills solo

If you want stopping power. Play Marks Hunter and literally shoot someone face off.

And I’m not referring to the awesome movie, “Face Off” starring Nick Cage and John Travolta. I mean you’d literally light someone up with Sniper Shot/Rapid Fire.


Your damage is really bad if your not winning in deep damp.

The whole point is to survive to get to deep damp where aff auto wins.

Try playing demo, it’s way worse , you do less dmg than every other spec but you are tanky. so you get to deep damp but lose anyways because your damage is lower and easy to shut down/line.

Aff is garbage anyways just for the fact that you only have 1 school to cast in.

Destro is the only real viable lock spec at the moment.

I did 30 million damage and had very little downtime on anything. Soul rot windows left a bit to be desired because rsham, but it definitely wasnt bad damage. I honestly think we were just way outclassed by the healer, it was all lfg, and our healer did about half the healing of theirs and went oom and no one drank. Not sure what the exact problem was, just felt really bad to get that far in and still die

This literally gives me 0 information on your damage.

How long was the match? go to death recap on details and look how long the match was.

Doing 30 million damage in a 20 min match for example means your doing it wrong.

Were you doubling everyone elses damage like a good aff lock should be doing?
I highly doubt it.

Also are you getting spam dispelled by mw and holy priests? cloak,ice block, bubble ect? that will gut your damage by alot

When a team is doing more damage, the healer will heal more, dampening eventually kicks in and both healers will eventually oom.

The healer doing the more healing usually will go oom first , but it depends on the healers. some are better at lasting longer.

Were you doing close half your healers healing?

And this game is comp dependant, espcially in 3v3, some comps just farm other comps.

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Just gameplay design burning people out. Dampening is a fun playstyle in the past. Last few expacs dampening people specifically on that notion is very tedious and not rewarding.

As an affliction player, if you don’t like destro and want to end games, I have a WW monk alt I play sometimes.

It’s helpful because you get to keep a port.

i mean, no, it doesn’t.

healer died at 5 mins 41 seconds

No, it was actually 3x


I wasn’t kill target, so no. if i was using soul rot to live more i may have, idk. i’m usually right up there with my healer but if i’m not KT i’m not wasting drain stacks.

I honestly don’t mind criticism but a quick glance at your post history makes it really easy to tell this isn’t your first time being needlessly critical and kind of just nasty towards people. There’s no need for that man. No class is “a free win” in any situation unless the other team unplugs their monitors. Even then there’s probably a few bm hunters/dh’s i’d still be worried about.


enjoy, sir

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I mean, he did press disperse. should’ve rallied IG

also, when twitch doesn’t want to embed, better off just format texting it

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not sure what this is, it won’t load for me :frowning: