Season 4 Survival Hunter Tier Set Problems and Feedback, CC from Community Council

You misunderstand. My sentiment comes from logs and first hand observations. None of it is enough at the moment clearly. There is, once again, no need to go on some journey into minutia.

If none of the ways of getting damage are important to you, and you simply “need more”, then, there’s a hell of a lot easier ways to do that than specifically targeted buffs to what are already the most powerful talents.

Literally all sv needs is the current tier set to be tuned like blizz promised and then maybe an aura buff for good measure and its fine no need to reinvent the wheel

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They’re all important. None of them are enough. Clearly.

If you’re dealing with more than an aura buff and fixing the tier set to at least equally impact AoE, you’re dealing with “minutia” as you put it.

So which is it? Does the minutia matter or not?

:roll_eyes: Bake a cake, eat a cake.

I just wanna play survival and not feel like i’m griefing because i’m wearing a tier 4 set that does far worse damage then the prior set.
Don’t think we’re asking for a lot.

  • Survival

    • Survival Hunter 4-set Focus cost reduction increased to 20 (was 10).
    • Survival Hunter 4-set damage bonus increased to 80% (was 50%)

So we will use S4 for single target but for AOE keep your S3, got it.


gonna say, not sure that’s gonna be enough to close the gap

In AoE this is certainly not enough - Carve or Butchery would need at least a 200% buff to these abilities to make it contestable in AoE. It feels very awkward to have an ability costing focus be so weak in comparison to a cooldown based ability without focus costs (wildfire bombs).


WeLl maYbE iF yoU sTACKed mASTERy iT woULD hiT HARDer. (jk)

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Your comment reflects a greater issue: The tree itself is underdeveloped.

There isn’t an easy fix via a tier set to course correct us back into being competitive. Butchery and more bombs is what were given and they’re both highly restrained (count max, long cooldown timers, shared focus cost, limited damage past 5 targets). We would need something drastic to happen tree side/spec side if the AoE problem was to be truly fixed.

And Carve? Did I miss something on its mechanics? The same Carve that is a choice node with Butchery? Realistically why would I ever take Carve over Butchery? How could we ever take Carve with Butchery??

The Survival tree (and the base hunter tree) is bonkers with bad node placement and wasted talent points. To give you an idea on this Ret Paladins only have two nodes that take 2 points. We have 14. And that’s only one point of design failure in that tree. I could go on and on about repeated nodes and wasted talents.

…But to your original point, to truly make us competitive in AoE via our Tier would have to give us something radical: Like having Butchery fire off a Wildfire bomb with every strike, improve it’s damage, AND reduce it’s cooldown for it to come close to what Shadow, Elemental, Enhance, Ret, Fire, Ice, Arcane, Fury, Arms, Dest, Demo, BM, MM, Assass, Outlaw, Subtley, Feral, Balance, Wind, Havoc, Frost, Unholy and Devastation currently do. We are competing with Augmentation, and they aren’t even a DPS spec.


While I realize that the buffs we got were not enough, I want to reiterate our thanks to the community council for raising the issue. We probably would have received no changes without the work that you’ve put in.

While I realize the meagerness of the response can be disheartening, please understand that the effort put in by all of the Hunter council is anything but. In times like these where we feel we have no active voice in the discussion and future of our class the council still manages to make us feel heard.

I’ll say once again, if we receive any more changes in the future it will be in no small part due to the immense dedication you’ve had to all of us here in the Hunter Forums.


I would absolutely agree. We don’t know what they’re working with and I can appreciate any and all efforts by the council to recognize this.

Blizzard clearly tunes based solely on the weekly raid performance and if anything is grossly overtuned. The forums don’t seem to have much influence at all, have you seen how many bickering children pointless argue on here? It’s not a surprise why we still haven’t gotten a blue post in response to any hero talents.


Funny how there are two wholly different pillars of content that also exist, though, no?

As a SV main since Legion, I’m used to being one of the least cared for spec in the game, but this takes the cake. Not only did it take far too long to have blizzard even address the issue, the “fix” feels like a slap in the face, it barely moves the bar for what is needed for Mythic plus, and not enough for us to give up using season 3 tier set. If SV ends up going all season using season 3’s tier set for mythic plus, I view that as an immense failure on blizzard’s part. They seem to have developer time for other specs and now other game modes (ie Plunderstorm and Remix), but the base retail game still has issues. I preordered War Within, but I’m starting to regret that as this issue is not being seriously addressed and I have lost faith in their ability to put out a good product at this point.


Honestly, the revised tier set feels pretty solid… except, again, in AoE.

Why they decided that Raptor and Butchery must have the same %dmg modifier (instead of, say, sharing a square root damage increase or a duplicate-strike effect for greater WFB CDR), or why they couldn’t touch Carve/Butchery’s damage itself? We may never know.

Proc chance increasing by square root with number of enemies struck (20|28|35|40|45% chance) and/or procced Carve/Butchery not consuming a cooldown? Would have loved to see it or its like, but too late now.

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