Season 4 Survival Hunter Tier Set Problems and Feedback, CC from Community Council

why are you shocked?
they’ve left frost DK as is for 2 years.

At least Frost is getting cleaned up in the Alpha. Hunters haven’t even been looked at.


relax, it’s already programmed. at the end of the triology in the last patch of the last titan they will definitely look at our complaints


Another tuesday another broken survival week :frowning:

Blizzard: Don’t worry, vote for what you want, and we’ll update and balance things.

Moral of the story: no they won’t.


After all, there is no point in waiting too long. Blizz, which was already a small company, was bought by an independent company called Microsoft and as they spent all the money on the purchase they cannot pay for more developers who must be overworked due not only to TWW but also to Pandaria 2.0 and cata classic

but what really causes anger is that it has already been 3 weeks of delay even with the community council hunter representatives who, in theory, have a direct channel with the devs showing the problem.
So far we have no answer, even if it’s just to say that they won’t do anything after all the s4 is a “neme session” and I bet that when it’s fixed it will be the usual copy and paste
we are aware of bla bla bla
due to the lack of aoe and ST damage we increase damage by 3% in all hunter survival skills


Another hunter on the community council just posted. Season 4 Survival Hunter Tier Set Problems and Feedback - #8 by Yumuros-thunderlord

We should all like the post to show we’re watching!

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At this point I kind of wish I spent my bullions on a bow vs the melee weapon and trinket. lol

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Should have known the meme season would be filled with broken promises. What a joke doing a vote, honestly. People want to play, compete, and progress. Blizzard is fine ruining that experience for a select number of passionate players. It is what it is. I am bitter.


Because it’s not enough.

Shame. Another week. I guess we should start digging graves for survival? ;-;


The issue isn’t the individual KS damage, though. SV’s during BoP CA is already the highest of the three specs, hitting for up to nearly 10000% AP per KS GCD pre-Mastery.

Again, BoP was already optimal over the FotE-as-sole-CD / “no CDs” build in 98% of situations (and nigh 100% of those not crapped on by weird pull timings).

If you want spikier damage from CA, that comes down to CA itself (not KS) and the ability to stack CDs effectively (as opposed to SV’s current anti-synergy between CA, FotE, and Spearhead). For M+, CA is already obligatory, and KS other obligatory talents (e.g. Ranger) likewise then make KS already damn strong.

  • Note: CA only increases WFB’s initial damage, which is only 43% of its total damage even after Guerilla Tactics. As such, CA adds only 8.6% WFB damage, which is why the more free nades one throws and the more 6+ target situations one finds themselves in, the more competitive just taking Improved Wildfire Bomb becomes, even if almost never actually eclipsing CA given BoP.

Example CA buff (given its non-choices upgrades and similar buffs to other capstone CDs):

Coordinated Assault
You and your pet (melee weapon equipped: dash to and) strike the enemy for 100% AP each, consuming 5 to 10. For up to the next 15 seconds, each of your attacks will trigger a Basic Attack from your pet against each enemy struck, Wildfire Bomb will deal its damage in 75% less time, and Kill Shot will bleed its victim for an additional 35% damage over 6 seconds.

  • In that way it mirrors Spearhead somewhat while offering considerably more WFB burst and reduced waste and clunk.

As for KS itself, if you want to see it more compatible with other windows, just… offer a talent by which to apply a bonus crit chance window after activating FotE, allows KS’s CD to scale with Haste (though you’d wany to start it from a multiple of GCD length, such as 12s), perhaps give a bonus charge of CD reset of KS on CA activation given Coordinated Kill, etc.

You misunderstand. My sentiment comes from logs and first hand observations. None of it is enough at the moment clearly. There is, once again, no need to go on some journey into minutia.

If none of the ways of getting damage are important to you, and you simply “need more”, then, there’s a hell of a lot easier ways to do that than specifically targeted buffs to what are already the most powerful talents.

Literally all sv needs is the current tier set to be tuned like blizz promised and then maybe an aura buff for good measure and its fine no need to reinvent the wheel

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They’re all important. None of them are enough. Clearly.

If you’re dealing with more than an aura buff and fixing the tier set to at least equally impact AoE, you’re dealing with “minutia” as you put it.

So which is it? Does the minutia matter or not?

:roll_eyes: Bake a cake, eat a cake.

I just wanna play survival and not feel like i’m griefing because i’m wearing a tier 4 set that does far worse damage then the prior set.
Don’t think we’re asking for a lot.

  • Survival

    • Survival Hunter 4-set Focus cost reduction increased to 20 (was 10).
    • Survival Hunter 4-set damage bonus increased to 80% (was 50%)

So we will use S4 for single target but for AOE keep your S3, got it.


gonna say, not sure that’s gonna be enough to close the gap