Season 4 spec bonus voting doomed for pvpers

I don’t post much because it always falls on deaf ears as soon as I say “pvp” so i’m pleading for help from the community to stand with me. I’m not trying to make this a us vs them type of scenario and my plead may not align with other opinions, but hear me out.

We should be voting on Season 4 tier set bonus based on PVP or PVE category play style. One season may have been good for M+ and but not for PVPers, speaking for the Holy Priest group. Here is where we should leave it up to the pvp community to vote and not mix us with the PVE community, season 2 was the best for Holy Priest pvp in mine and a lot of other opinions. We are getting out voted by the larger pve community.

The tier sets are already established, it’s not as if there would be a ton of work to give us the two options. We are already tuned differently pve vs pvp why not give us the choice?

It’s fine if you have another opinion, i’m not here to argue.


It would’ve been great if there was separate voting for PvE and PvP. We both at one point used to have our own separate tier sets, I don’t see why they didn’t do that now. :dracthyr_shrug:


Exactly! We are already tuned different too, so I don’t understand why it’s not being done.

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I hate to piss on your parade but the season 3 set for Holy is exceptionally powerful on both the 2 and 4 set effects in PvP and it ignores the downsides on the Rapid Recovery talent in effect causing it to be REALLY POWERFUL HPS.

Holy could play any tier set from this expansion in PvP minus the 4 set from season 1 and do just fine, I don’t think there is another spec in the game in this fortunate of a spot going in to this (stupid) vote.

That said, enable all sets on a vendor for Fated for all the specs.

Either this or in some other form.

Best course of action is allowing the player to decide what set bonus to use when and where.

Using the catalyst system or like a PvP talent when you have a pool of choices to swap as needed or something new.

The last bit of the expansion should just be let loose and be chaotic in not worrying too much on the balancing factor and more embrace the craziness of the personal choice fun factor.

People will mostly inevitably gravitate towards the best choice in their style of gameplay. But that will only serve to be valuable data for the devs to take note in order to steer the future development of the game to be more aligned to what the players like most.

The only caveat is that things can’t be grossly overpowered to the point that the gameplay it offers is awful but the results cannot be ignored. So I say just manage the expectations to steer clear of that outcome and the rest should be just a lot of chaotic fun lol.


I mean, sorry to piss on yours but holy priests are vastly extinct in bgs, arenas etc. You may come across one that is just mid, decently easy to kill. AoE this season is bad for pvpers. I’ve been playing holy priest as long as I can recall and last season was the best yet for me and that’s my opinion

Let me lay out some facts and tier sets contribute to these numbers. According to murlok io holy priests are;

7th place on solo shuffle (last place)
5th on 2’s
7th on 3’s
6th on rbgs
6th on M+
All of the top raider io healers are disc.

Last season we had a vastly larger presence across the board. We had a balance of fun play style and competitive tier set.

I’m just saying if you want to pick a part and piss on the overall goal, fine. But as I said there are different opinions, play styles, that suite better tier sets and we are asking for the choice is all.


It’s time to embrace the 4 set and queue exclusively 2s. :muscle:t2:

Im gonna have to agree here and anyone who doesnt truly doesnt love pvp

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Agree with yiu

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These numbers can also be skewed due to many top players who play priest just simply choosing disc over holy… what I mean is that if 100% the same players who played holy in season 2 played in season 3 the averages for them would be way up. So it’s not as much as the set power level but more to do with the delta power level between disc and holy. Also I didn’t realize mend would get full value in arena with organized groups simply ST focus one player in which prayer of mending/S2 gear would be rendered near useless, where as bonus mana saving serenity seems fabulous. I really think if holy priest S2 set was out this season against S3 disc for PvP, numbers would be even worse.