Season 4 - No arena balancing, the solo shuffle toxic disaster goes unaddressed still

It’s borderline laughable.

But - no one is laughing.

Blizzard - honestly, if you are giving up on Arena and plan on just moving in another direction, let the community know, letting efveryone just sit by as you address nothing and let the game turn into an extremely toxic sesspool of players who despise the dev’s is just making it worse.

Fix MMR, address, acknowledge and lay out some plan to make Solo shuffle rewarding for healers.

Fix the fact that dps still to this day can leave and lose no MMR (only lose CR), this has been repeatedly reported and is still not fixed, it incenctivizes leaving prematurely.

Fix… something to bring people back to arena, or just tell us you are done so we can stop waiting.


I know DCs and RL issues suck, but I wouldnt hate if someone leaves they just get 6 losses worth of cr/mmr loss.

If you dc in a game, you lose the game.

If you dc in a lobby, you should lose the lobby. Simple.

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Is there anything PVP-related at all for Season 4 on the PTR (besides typical gear upgrades)?

New vicious mount, illusion, tabard, gladiator drake and r1 titles. I think that’s about it, though.

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what does the tabard look like i already know I’m getting glad next season mount too sexy to miss i need to form mogs already for it. Wow ive just seen it and omg is it bad lol.

I think that the coloration better suited Verdant but it is what it is.

it’s bad but I can work with it. ye it does.

was really hoping for rated bgb

We already have all of this currently in retail live, it did not come with the PTR, so no, the PTR did not bring any new features for PvP

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Like many have said before, Solo Shuffle is cancer to PvP. It’s upsetting how PVP barely gets any support.

Im helping!

Look, kennie, I’m you but without the furry thing!