Season 4 is boring because the Meta is the same

With all the tools available to a multi dollar company like Blizzard - why is there never consistent and sustained parity in M+ ?


The meta changed for me since Fury was gutted and Arms was buffed.

It’s also only the second week into the season and people are still getting their 4 piece tier set still.

Wait 1-2 more weeks.


The meta is 5 paladins, obviously.


5 blood dks!

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Meta this meta that

I’m only playing DK, meta can work around me

But gut VDH


aug + spriest pi + (some other caster) is hard to beat regardless of 4pc imo

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It’s either one year of Season 3 or two seasons (3 & 4) in one year.


We are still only 2 weeks into the season, were very likely going to see multiple tuning waves each reset for the next few weeks.

I don’t get worried about balance, and recommend you do the same, until week 5 onwards.

I’m skeptical because of how it’s been handled in the past - not really banking on the devs to produce parity in a couple tuning cycles.


surely this will be the season they get it right!


We also aren’t event fully through week 2 yet.

Season 4 has only been out for 10 days and there is ALOT of variables. Some of which are BiS trinkets, 4-piece gear, and other BiS.

Once more people get near BiS or BiS (usually around week 5) these variables are more known and will clearly show what classes are outliers compared to those who may simply be overperforming right now because other classes don’t have their BiS yet.

My original point still stands, it shouldn’t have to take tuning passes in order to keep parity consistent and sustained. That’s the whole point of parity. Meta comps in BiS gear only reinforce the meta; it doesn’t move the needle.

waits to get s4 fury tier set
loses DPS in the process



The grief torch does a comical amount of dmg if anyone in the raid dies.

Ya one of our shadow priest was purposefully pulling people with life grip to kill them for Grieftorch.


Living up to its name.

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YUP! To bad it doesn’t have flavor text :frowning:

Could have been “Hmmm, why shouldn’t I kill my ally?” or something.


I already rerolled, don’t change it now :angry: balance the game before pushing it to live servers

Nope is 5 sub rogue