Season 4 healer nerfs!

  • Mistweaver
    • All healing done reduced by 13%. Does not apply in PvP combat.

Are you absolutely kidding me? Finally we had some incredible buffs making the class competitive and the most fun it had been… While the other healer nerfs are 5% too.

It’s just shocking and disappointing.

numbers are numbers but I hope this doesn’t make reclearing s4 more miserable then it was already going to be. I don’t like to see mass healer nerfs before facing 3 raids worth of bosses that probably aren’t tuned appropriately especially in this expansion full of burst damage.


Is it really? I mean MW is never allowed to remain in a good state for very long and with all the FotM rerollers this was inevitable.

Playstyle isn’t changing, monk will still be awesome and fun to play.

Blanket % is whatevs.

Monk healing is really high anyway.

Monk healing “was” really high, I think you mean.

I had to roll Priest and Pally in earlier seasons since MW couldn’t keep up. equivalent gear but just less output. Oh, I have mobility and extra tricks in my kit… I’m a healer. That is the basic function. But it seems Blizzard is straying from fundamentals. May as well be an Augmentation Evoker hybrid if we can’t heal as well

Monk was healing for much more than others, so I am not surprised that they wanted to bring it in line.

However, I am more puzzled by the blanket nerf to healers. Healing already has not been great this expansion and many have quit healing because it was overly stressful.

My other healer is a holy pally and those were already downright terrifying to heal with outside of cooldowns after their nerfs so I don’t really think the solution was to make ALL the healers like that.