Season 4 announcement leaving a bad taste in my mouth

People don’t want rehashed versions of the content they’ve already played and for their gear to get downgraded 26 ilvls from BIS. When people say they want a solution to content droughts, they mean more content.

To recap - 9.2 added 1 moderate-sized raid, zero dungeons, 1 new PvP arena, a Timeless Isle zone… and that’s it. People wanted more content, not to grind leggo currency twice. People wanted more content, not to regrind BIS trinkets from dungeons. People wanted more content, not to farm up a bunch of conduits again.


People wanted more content, not to farm their same tier set again.

This is almost anti-content in a sense. Content creates new experiences to enjoy. This system in a sense “devalues” your experience by making it less meaningful to your characters journey.


I am not opposed to it. I am like dissapionted in having to refarm gear. Since I play all the classes.

If thet let us keep upgrading our gear it wouldnt be so bad. But yiu arbitrarily have to refarm the same pieces.

I am looking forward to it in some ways.

But it also like makes me not want to go too much geaeing especially my alts which I find fun playing.

if a season is 6 months that is like 24 chances of vault loot.

So you might as well just wait for next season.

The same stuff to do over. Stretching it out even longer.

And what’s worse is this line, hinting it could be something they continue to do:

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because they only play wow i play eso also they release 8 new dungeons 4 dlcs and 1 chapter every year eso has 44 dungeons and they all matter and eso doesnt get the credit it devs are lazy release the same 10 dungeons for 2 years then just release raids.

it’s the longest raid since Ny’alotha.
it’s as long as Antorus.
Hellfire Citadel was longer than it before Ny’alotha.
Throne of thunder and Siege of Org before that.

it’s like the 4th longest raid ever.

I’m glad they’re doing something if they think the new expansion won’t be out this year and the existence of Season 4 with the retooling of SL raids seems to confirm this. I get to use my tier longer, I get to play alts at higher level longer, the Legendary Bow may have additional relevance seeing as I only acquired the normal version before and could never get an upgrade in heroic to drop only to be overshadowed by a M+ 252 weapon.

I also see this as the test bed to make all previous raids in the entire game have some tangible relevance beyond being a Timewalking raid. Pair that with cross faction support coming and 9.2.5 seems like it will be a ton on fun.

Now if they’d only solve their supposed cross faction guild problem in time for the 9.2.5 release…

This is precisely why we need to stop playing this game. This is clear abuse and manipulation! And it’s uncalled for. It is pompously arrogant how players especially casual ones with alts are strung along because they do not subscribe to forced content like mythic+ and useless currency grinds. This game is a waste of time because of the sour tastes of product management team and development at large. It’s absurd how shallow they are when it comes to creating a game for longevity instead of wasteful tasks that add very little depth to player characters. They could do better and we should be demanding more from the people behind World of Warcraft.


could you detail this ‘better’ ?

I’m thinking 10.0 is very far away…and s4 with older SL raids is a way to put out some content whithout using too much resources on it.

We can hope that that means they are actually putting some effort into 10.0 unlike SL.

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Nothing is getting “downgraded”. They’re just adding better gear. What value do you get out of sitting around with bis? That’s so bizarre to me. The whole point of an MMO is that there’s something else to work toward.

That seems like people don’t understand why droughts exist. They’re working on the next expansion right now. If they paused to go make more content for this one, it’d just delay 10.0 even more.

As opposed to what we usually get, which is six months of nothing? :man_shrugging:t4:


Exactly this. We can get constant new content or we can get new expansions. We aren’t ever going to get both.

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Now we’ve got 18 months of the same.

The thing that is most discouraging to me is I assume we will have to refarm tier gear again

I will just quit you can only watch so many reruns of the same stuff

What’s the alternative?

It’s either nothing at all to do, or something you may have already done. It hasn’t been, and isn’t going to be, something new AND a new expansion shortly after.

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Even assuming your estimation of 10.0 is near the mark, that gap still would have happened with or without this Season 4. If people don’t want to participate in it they can just unsub. This is just something to do for the people that still want to raid and progress.

I am looking forward to Rank 8 legendaries :slight_smile:

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People asked for solo boss fights. They’ve had time. They could have reused Torghast for solo boss fights, even if they were Torghast layer type difficulties. As something different. There’s a lot of asseslts to reuse to do content without saying “rerun the same raids and dungeons you’ve been running for years, but now it’s M+ raids!”

The larger issue is what I said earlier, though: rehashed content in more seasons, meaning less content overall.

It’s two seasons. Seasons gave been 8 months.

See above.

And again… ignoring the bigger issue.

But you don’t have to.

You can choose to complete season 3 on your main, as you said you wanted, and then be done for a while, as you said you wanted.

Because any season 4 gear levels are going to be invalidated for 10.0 anyway.

And if one wished to don a tinfoil hat, it could be said supporting this degenerate game design is just going to demonstrate to Blizzard that they can repeat this in the final phase of all future expansions in place of new content, thus saving costs and increasing profitability, like they replaced a lot of original, nuanced, storytelling base game questing with repetitive, shallow, charmless end game quests from Draenor on.


No hat needed. They specifically said:

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Not sure why that would need to be mutually exclusive and that sounds exceptionally boring to me. I think it’s two entirely separate issues. Call to add new things (that aren’t really new things like you said), rather than complain about other new (but not) things other people may be looking forward to.

Personally I hope they continue forward with making all raids within an expansion relevant (really I would like the entire game to be relevant).